On Monday morning, the world will become still, as hundreds from all over the world, move into Section II of the Avatar® Course, the biggest one to date.

They will open their Section II packs, and begin to learn the Perception Exercises, that will get them all the way out of their heads, and into sensing the world around them, directly.

With these exercises, the mind quiets on its own. Centuries of seekers have hammered away, trying to get the mind to quiet down–chatter chatter!–this technique does it so easily.

Underneath all the worrying, fretting, and trying to figure things out that we humans do, we discover this presence that just is, has always been… Life is simply becoming lighter, easier.

In the morning, some will scratch their heads, trying to figure out how to do this (I was one of these–always needing a mental formula for things!). Other people will just dive right in.

People who were closed off for years, will start to remember what it feels like to feel really alive again. People who have felt alive, will feel a lot more alive, as the resistances to life are shed.

But in not so long, there becomes a flow–a calm, clear presence, in this huge conference room–as people begin to experience the power of this profound, yet simple tool.

On the first two days, ReSurfacing®, we were intimately with our table mates, who became our friends, and companions on this exploration. As Section II unfolds, people spread out. Everyone goes at their own pace. They start to meet their neighbors at other tables, and around the room. Connecting happens.

A while longer, and they will begin exploring their labels–how have they been seeing the world? What filters have they been putting, unknowingly, onto the world? What–that they thought was just real–do they now see was just beliefs?

Judgments are let go of; perception is increased. A space of understanding emerges. How hard we have worked to make things work, when things often work so well on their own, when we take off our judgments.

And lest I forget: This is a space of great happiness.

Moving into the latter part of Section II, people begin to really reclaim their power–resistances, fears, doubts, all the “I can’t do it’s” that we’ve held onto, or not known how to get rid of. They bring them out, usually laughing, humorously, and wipe them away.

A glow begins to form in people’s hearts, as they realize, I Do It! I am the one creating it all.

A lot of the people here will have read about this as an idea already, that they create their reality; that their beliefs affect what they experience. What they will go away with here, in the course of a few days, is the experience of it. It is the difference between studying a photo of a beach in Hawaii, and bathing in its blue waters–the warm sun, the air, the blue sky.

It is worth more than gold. And this is why they will come, some of them from halfway around the world quite literally (New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, …).

That is why some have waited months for visas; have bought plane tickets far in advance; will travel for 3 hours, or 7 hours, or 22 hours; just to get here.

That is why, they will stay in a hotel room for 9 days, bringing themselves every morning–and giving, all they have to give, to this amazing, most miraculous of experiences.

And I cannot remember a one, in my 5 years, who brought themselves to it, and who didn’t think it was the best investment they’d ever made.

Author's Bio: 

Chris Burbridge has been a licensed Avatar® Master since 2004. He delivers courses all over the United States, and loves to help people awaken to their true potential.

If you would like to know more about how to contact your true power through Avatar, feel free to contact him!