After spending years working within small businesses & art organizations and seeing their leaders struggle to build sustainable, scalable businesses, Claire embarked on a deep dive into what exactly it took to grow a business without burning out.⁣

She devoured any business and wellness resource she could find, until she identified a variety of research-backed themes that were consistent across the board - themes that could be applied to most small businesses & art organizations systematically and strategically.

In this vein, she created her three pillars of business success and devoted herself to teaching these frameworks to as many business builders as possible: Sustainable Schedules, Marketing Strategies, and Processes & Systems.

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Event Information:
Start Date - 07/20/2021 11:00 AM
End Date - 07/20/2021 01:00 PM
Time zone - US/Central Informal Networking10:45 am
Location - Online Event - Zoom
Chapter - Beloit, WI

See our upcoming webinar:

Author's Bio: 

Join Sandra Yancey, Founder & CEO of eWomenNetwork, as she shares her successful strategies on “How to S.C.A.L.E. Your Business for greater Impact, Revenue and Prosperity.” Sandra will unveil the keys to having a successful, thriving, profitable business. The 11th annual “Women’s Success Summit” is our biggest and most exciting event of the year!