The many times growing up we swear, we will never be like our parents; too many to remember but here we are, all grown up with children of our own, lo and behold we are enacting behavior mirroring them.

If we step back and truly observe our interactions with our children, we see our parents’ personas coming alive and even though we may not be comfortable with the reactions it is as if we have very little control over our mannerism and attitudes.

The intention here is to bring awareness to our patterns of conditioned thinking. We can remember being treated in ways that crushed our self-esteem, these memories are embedded in our subconscious minds and over time become learned behavioral reactions to experiences.

In the most simplistic notion possible, we are born and grow up in families with each member perpetuating his own set of self-debilitating beliefs. We absorb values regarded acceptable or normal by society and our minds assimilate this information which over time, cements a belief system that governs the way we think and act. It is important to remember our parents were also products of their environmental conditioning vis-à-vis what they believed to be their truths. They therefore, preached what they knew, as did their parents before them and so on.

Many of us go through our lifetime never becoming aware of being trapped in this repetitive cycle of behavior, others become aware but are either too paralyzed or simply do not know how to make the necessary changes to break free. What we do know for the most part, deep down we live with a sense of un-fulfillment and lack of purpose and no matter how much we achieve and acquire, we just cannot seem to capture that illusive feeling of lasting contentment.

“Above all things gain understanding"

To break free from these psychologically grooved patterns first, understand their nature before we can transcend the hypnotization. If we recognize it in a detached way, like false lessons learned and now must be un-learned, will assist in shutting down the desire to feel like a victim and delve into self-pity.

We have all have been raised with varying degrees of self-negating and self-destructive habits. The realization helps to rise above the feeling that; nobody knows the troubles I have seen, all alone in my sorrow and misery. We have been inundated with erroneous information preventing us from fulfilling our highest potential.

If our lives do not reflect our hearts’ desires nor satiate our soul’s quest for self-fulfillment, then we must change whatever we believe causing us to perceive ourselves as a failure and set about fostering new thoughts aligned with a sense of worth and purpose. (by the renewing of our minds). Most importantly, accept and celebrate the idea that we have the right and power to change our minds about what we choose to believe reflecting our own core values.

Practice witnessing your thoughts and emotional reactions to situations. Sounds simple enough but, it requires diligent practice because truth is, most of us do not have control whatsoever over what we think. We have been brain-washed, and our thoughts replicate what life’s experiences embedded in our subconscious as true. The art of witnessing creates an opportunity to really see what is fueling our behavior manifesting our reality. Remember; do not mentally judge, criticize or engage in assessing the thoughts. The act is merely; to witness them because in time, what we are doing is creating a beautiful space between your sense of I or self awareness and the thoughts themselves. It is called detachment, a significant marker towards transformation.

This journey is about breaking the cycle of misperceptions and unfulfilled lives, a journey to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery. Somewhere amidst all the mental chatter is our real voice speaking the truth of our Divinity. Our quest is to be guided by this inner voice and let the truth of who we really are be passed on to our children and so on and so forth. May each generation release the mental shackles of the past and vibrate a higher frequency. Namaste.

Author's Bio: 

From a suicidal mind to one which now marvels at the exquisite joy in each moment. I have no magic pill. Wish there was. Mine was more years of diligent practice; yoga, meditation, filling my conscious mind with waves and waves of how to think anew. That was then, this is now. I cannot let go of the notion; in the right circumstance with the right level of surrender, sufficient openness to being in the moment accepting all that it represents, ‘in the twinkling of an eye’ a fundamental shift in consciousness changing our entire being is possible.
namaste with love,
nerak ami