We are all running around the world with quite a handicap on our hands. And what his handicap is, is that we are not using the full power of the mind to our advantage. One thing that you need to know is that right now, at this very moment, as you are reading this article, all you are doing is perhaps using about 15% of the power of your mind. In fact, even at optimum output, you are only using about 40% of the mind to the best of your advantage.

You need to know that science and medicine has been around for a long time, and they still have no idea what is going inside the mind. Sure, they can identify which lobe goes where, but they do not know what is going on inside. For the better part of the brain, they are making what is known in the community as educated guesses and this is something that you should be keenly aware of. You should also be keenly aware of the fact that there is something called the personal development industry and this has been around for a long time.

They too have been working to unlock the secrets of the mind, because they firmly believe in the fact that the mind is the be all and end all of the human system. With the power of the mind at our fingertips, you would be able to have full control over your body, your emotions and you can also clean yourself of any distractions and wrongs within your body. Now how this is done is to unlock the power of the mind, and actually use technology to actually enhance certain sections of it. There are certain industries in the world that have been looking into this. For one there is the subliminal industry, which is looking into super frequency stimulation to actually affect the subconscious, the most powerful aspect of the human mind.

Then there is the brainwave entrainment industry, which is using reverse engineered sounds to actually affect a frequency following effect in the brain, and what they are doing is actually to augment the brain using its own electro magnetic waves that the neurons within the cortex are producing on a daily basis. We can also look to more advanced medicinal and scientific methods of the Dream Machine, autogenic, bio feedback and the use of magnetic induction.

These are all methods that are being used to unlock the power of the mind and give the human species an advantage in the rat race that is the world today. So, you should be interested because there is really good headway being made into unlocking the secrets of the mind. In fact, some of this technology is already available online for your own use and you can actually try them out at no risk to you. These are tried and proven ways that you can augment and tune the mind to do what you want it to do.

Author's Bio: 

Click Here to get your Free 'Ultimate Success Unleashed' Subliminal Cd and supercharge your success. Greg Frost is an authority in the subliminal industry for many years and has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to attain their dreams and goals with his subliminal messaging cds.