Three years ago, after a rewarding and successful career as a healthcare executive leading rehabilitation services and hospitals, I shifted my focus to follow my entrepreneurial spirit. Over the years, I had the opportunity to learn from the world’s best in the personal development area—mind, body, and spirit—and I wanted to apply the spectrum of my skills and experiences to benefit others.

As a hospital CEO and now as a consultant, I am passionate about leading individuals, teams and organizations to exceptional results. I believe in bringing out the best in others and encouraging others to use their unique skills, talents, and their passions to contribute to their business success. In this way, work becomes “creation” and life becomes an “expression” of one’s unique talents and skills leading us to the reason why we are here, one’s true purpose.

Before we go on, let me know if this is true or false for you:

My passion for my business wakes me up!
☐ True
☐ False

Did you know that 2/3 of the workforce – leaders and staff – are not engaged at work? They are not excited about what they are doing and they hope and wish the day and week passes quickly. This can also be true for entrepreneurs and business owners.

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, how engaged are you in your work? Rate your engagement on a scale 0 – 10. (0 – you hate it, 5 – neutral, 10 – you love it)

Lack of engagement affects not only your ability to be productive but it also affects your health and wellbeing.

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." ~Oprah Winfrey

The Passion Test for Business

For the last two years, I have used this process with exceptional results and we have been training others to become certified Passion Test for Business Consultants. This process allows a business leader to get clarity on what matters most to themselves and their business success. In this process we:

-Identify your company’s Unique Contributions, what sets your business apart from others in the marketplace and industry.
-Build a values-based Company Strategy based on what matters most to you and your company’s success.
-Develop a results-producing Culture Action Plan for your business. This plan is based on what keeps you engaged and inspired in your business, keeps you aligned with your values while maximizing your effectiveness, growth and profitability.

We are excited that our 5th Virtual Passion Test for Business Level I Consultant certification course is starting March 22, 2018.

We have trained consultants all over the world and during the last two years alone we have trained consultants from Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Israel, Canada, Dominican Republic, and various states across the USA.

Find out more about The Passion Test here:

Whether you want to be a Passion Test for Business consultant or not, this course can help you substantially advance your own business.
And when you do become certified as a consultant you have the opportunity to add another income stream using the powerful tools and processes this program provides.

Contact me for more information about The Passion Test and The Passion Test for Business.

Author's Bio: 

Ulrike Berzau, Executive Coach & Consultant, works with individuals, teams and organization to achieve exceptional results in life and business. With extensive experience as healthcare executive, she is known for providing highly respected insights and creative solutions to secure continuous advancement and excellence. Ulrike has an unwavering passion for igniting the talent and brilliance in others and her international and multicultural experiences allow her to relate to a diverse audience. Her ambitious, yet well balanced, positive and inspiring mindset is the catalyst of her own success and assures the success of clients, staff and organizations.

Ulrike is the co-author of the International Best-Seller Imagine a Healthy You and an inspirational speaker. She is certified as Thinking into Results Consultant, Passion Test Facilitator, ASAP Engagement Consultant and Achieve Today Coach, and holds a Master’s Degree in Management, a Master’s Degree in Health Science, Physical Therapy, and is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.