What happens when you leave a potted plant unwatered?

Does it thrive?

Not hardly. That poor thing becomes the next fire's kindling.

Your business without self-promotion is that plant without water; it will die.

We all know this; it's no secret, but hoards of people feel as though self-promotion is a light breeze away from sending you into the land of boasting and bragging.

However, if you don’t share what you know then you can't have a thriving business.

Self-promotion is the best way to build the know, like, and trust factors with your potential clients, and their positive responses can't help but boost your confidence.

And, confidence is the key to being the heroine of your brand.

But how do you acquire that confidence to begin, and continue to build it up along the way?

Here are a few suggestions to get you on the express train past fear.

1. Stop Making It About You

This is the number one, primary block that holds business owners back from loudly (yet in tune) singing the praises of their brand. It's not about YOU. It's about the people you can help.

Think of a time that you saw, or read, or heard one thing that changed the momentum of your day from plummeting plane with failed engines to buoyancy on a river raft.

What if that person hadn't shared because they were worried that they'd be perceived as boastful or narcissistic?

Your day might not have turned out as well, or maybe you'd find someone who didn't worry about how they'd be perceived and now their brand is lodged in your brain as the biz that saved the day.

People want to feel good. Clients are looking to you as an expert. They want what you have, and if you deny them access to it, it's really doing them a disservice.

2. Always Talk To Your Best Friend

I'm not literally saying pick up the phone and only talk to your best friend. What I'm saying is, talk to your audience as though you are communicating with your best friend.

You want nothing more than the most joyful, easeful, and fulfilled life experience for your BFF right? And if you had some advice that could contribute to that happiness, you wouldn't hesitate to share it right?


Talk to your best friend, not the faceless abyss that is your worldwide audience.

They'll feel your authenticity and genuine desire to improve lives and they will love you for it.

3. Recognize That Self-Promotion Is Simply Sharing Ideas

You're not promoting yourself; you're promoting your ideas. In fact, you're not even promoting because that sounds like a lot of pressure. You're sharing ideas.

Through your life experience and your natural talents, you've developed ideas and ways of meandering through life that make living easier, simpler, and more fun. By sharing the ideas and maneuvering methods you've cultivated, you elevate the lives of those you interact with (see point number one).

Doesn't thinking of it in those terms just make you want to share more?

Build your momentum by reaching out to like-minded people and having simple conversations about how you all make life good for others. The more you talk about it, the bigger it'll get.

Know this: When you act from a genuine desire to improve lives and spread joy, you won't be able to contain your enthusiasm for what you can share, and the opportunities will come flooding in.

Share your gifts. Trust me, the world will be better for it.

Author's Bio: 

I am passionate about showing you how your brilliance can shine even brighter!

I teach entrepreneurs how to translate their unique expertise into signature programs so they can reach more of their ideal clients, leverage their time, expand their business, and earn a good living. Let me show you how. Visit http://TransformYourBrilliance.com to learn more.