Sit alone and think about your parents and their efforts which they putting for your bright future.
You will get many reasons to work hard.
Stand in front of mirror and see in your eyes and observe what do you want to do and what are you doing at present.
This helps in better knowing yourself. And helps you to work hard with much dedication.
Observe what are you doing in your life and what do you want to do.
This will help you in Knowing the required efforts which you have to do to become the person about whom you dreams.
1See in your pocket and your bank balance but not in your parents.
Is this money fullfill your future goals??
If not then work hard and earn more money to Fulfill your desires.
Think about the street beggers and poor children's who are working hard to eat one time of meal.
This will lead you the value of food and shelter in life and then thank god your parents who have given you such a beautiful life.
Think about two of your known person
(1) who is very rich and educated while (2) who is poor and not so educated.Now observe what do you and society think about both of them.
Now you will definitely get an obvious reason to work hard.
Stand in front of mirror and lets have a close look of your body.
Ohh god you require a lot of exercise. Then for whom are you waiting? Let's start it now men.
See your report cards and your academic achievement.
Ohh men you require improvement, then start studying and let's improve your result.
Have you remember some people think that you are nothing and can't do anything better in life.
Men this is the perfect time to work hard and slap them by showing your success.

Author's Bio: 

Sri Tulasi is a professional astrologer, life coach and member of the Indian Astrologers Council. She has more than 15 years of practical experience in astrology. She is a regular columnist in many leading newspapers in India.