A client emailed me…I am feeling crazy stuck in a comparison cycle today - and I have so much to do. Just wanted to share my mind-tape today in case you have any sage wisdom.

When you play the comparison game it seems that you always fall on the short end of the stick.

Everyone else’s business is better. Everyone has more clients. Everyone is making more money. Everyone else is doing more than you. Everyone else can do it.

Now wait a minute. Is that really true?

If you are going to play the comparison game at least play full on.

When you find yourself stuck in the endless loop of "everyone is better than me" think about this:

-How many people have actually taken their idea and started a business?
-How many people have said to you… wow, that’s a great idea, I wish I could do something like that.
-How many people have taken any of the steps necessary to achieve their dream?
-How many people have taken the types of risks you have to better yourself?
-How many people have told you that they admire your courage or bravery?
-How many people have any sort of plan to take them to their goals?
-How many people have had the successes or achieved what you already have?

What would happen in your life and business if you played the comparison game fairly?

Author's Bio: 

Carrie Greene is a speaker, author and business coach. She is a business strategist and productivity expert for entrepreneurs. Carrie helps entrepreneurs get clear on what they want and create simple and straight-forward plans to get there. She is the author of "Chaos to Cash: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Eliminating Chaos, Overwhelm and Procrastination So You Can Create Ultimate Profit!" Free resources at http://carriegreenecoaching.com/