Got a puzzle that is unsolved? Would you like to find the missing piece? Get comfortable, sit back and open up to receive the perfect solution. Perfect solutions abound!

First, pick the issue that you’d like to attract an ideal resolution. What are the elements needed to make up your perfect solution?

For instance, my issue used to be finding someone to watch my lapdog, Roxie, when I traveled.

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My ideal solution needed to have the following elements:

-Someone who can be with the dog everyday—my house or theirs
-Walk her outside.
-Be willing to give her different foods (in her last year she didn’t like dog food).
-Loves dogs.

While my issue may not seem like a big deal to other people, it was very important to me. It would allow me to feel completely relaxed on vacation. Never judge your puzzle and its importance to you. If it matters to you, then it’s important.

Once you know the elements, decide that you will find the perfect solution. Your intellectual mind will usually begin to create or make a list of options. Check each one out to see if it meets your criteria. If it doesn’t meet all the elements, it’s not your perfect solution. It needs to be, HELL YES, this feels good inside and out.

If you run out of ideas, no worries. This is one of the most critical factors to finding your perfect solution. If you think you’ve exhausted all possibilities, remain steadfast in trusting that your solution is still out there waiting to be found.

Another key is to remember it’s not always you who will come up with the solution. Ask people who are knowledgeable about your topic or people who are really tapped into their inner guidance. Ask your inner guidance, too!

Imagine that the solution is looking for you as much as you are looking for it.

Take care to notice any limitations you put on your solution. When I thought of finding a dog sitter I only thought about people who lived within a ten-minute drive from my home. My ideal sitter ended up being thirty minutes away but I didn’t care.

My business partner was the answer. I had never even thought of her because of how far she lived from us and yet I felt elated with the solution. She ended up having so much fun with my dog that she got her own pooch a short time later!

If you think there are only a few options, you won’t see the hundreds that lie before you.

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You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging intention, systems and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: