Lip repositioning treatment combines several techniques to minimize excessive the appearance of gums and correct high lip line smiles. Lip correction and lip repositioning, sometimes combined with bone surgery, Invisalign or crown lengthening can give the ultimate smile transformation. This treatment will give patients the chance to alter their lip line so less gum can be seen when they smile.
Lip Line Reposition Consultation
A thorough consultation will give the dentist all the data and information that they need to come up with a comprehensive diagnosis plan specifically tailored for the patient. The consultation process will consist of x-rays and photographs to see where each tooth fall and how they impact the overall look of the smile.
Some dentists use 3D technology to make a digital model of the mouth and facial structures of the patient. Pictures are taken to allow the dentist to see the smile in different states and angles, from a subtle smile to the kind of smile when one laughs. These will help the dentist evaluate the amount of gum visible with different levels of smiling.
Using the photograph images, the dentist will then analyze the position and size of the teeth, including the amount of gums the patient has, and the thickness of the lips. Through this analysis, the dentist will determine if altering the position of the lower lip is the best way to get the best smile.
Lip Line Reposition Techniques
There are various techniques for lip repositioning surgeries. In a high lip line corrective surgery, the surgeon will remove a piece of the tissue from the gum and from the soft gingiva. With this technique, using a small suture, the muscles under gums and the lips roll up. Some doctors inject Botox to the muscles to elevate the lip and keep it and the sutures in place.
With the use of Botox, patients will enjoy an extra bonus of having fuller and plumper lips to further improve their overall appearance. Botox injections combined with lip repositioning procedure can increase the success rate of the surgery. Laser technology is sometimes used to make sure that the gum line is properly and painless cleaned.
Lip Line Reposition Side Effects
Just like any procedure or surgery, it is important for patients to be aware of the risks and side effects involved with lip repositioning treatment. But rest assured with lip repositioning surgery or high lip line surgery that it only has extremely minimal risks. With all the precautions applied during the diagnosis phase of lip positioning, expect that the risk level will remain low.
Each action has already be charter beforehand, and patients can be assured that any medical complications will remain low. It is important to emphasize that proper diagnosis and planning is important, so patients should leave their lip repositioning needs in the hands of an experienced medical professional to ensure a worry-free procedure.
One thing that is interesting with lip repositioning surgery is that it can be reversed if the patient is not very happy with the results. Instances of this happening is relatively low, since this surgery has a high success rate, but this information might put patients at ease if they are having second thoughts about having it.
If you want to change your high lip line, consider getting lip repositioning surgery. By using the newest and safest methods and techniques of correcting gummy smiles, you should be assured that you will feel happy and confident with your smile post-surgery. Contact a reputable dental professional in your area now to learn more about this amazing procedure and get the smile that you have always wanted.
The Dentist in Castle Hills of Lewisville, The Colony, Frisco, & Carrollton, TX.
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