When you decide to settle down at your own home there are numerous things to consider in order to make the best choice which is going to be the most advantageous in the long run. Since it is a long-term investment, you first have to carefully take all your options into consideration without rushing into a decision which you might regret later. Finding your dream home is incredibly important because you need to live in an environment which makes you feel safe and protected which contributes to your well-being. You might wonder whether it is more efficient, advantageous or cheap to build your own house or to buy one. However, when it comes to choosing whether to build your own home or buy one there are some essential aspects you need to consider before making a decision which you might regret later.

Time and financial investment

First of all, the most important aspect you need to consider before choosing whether to buy or build a home is the financial investment you are going to make. When building your own home, you need to first buy a land if you do not already own one which can cost you considerably much more than buying an existing house. However, the location of the existing house surely influences the price of It if you choose to buy instead of building. If you wish to live in a specific neighborhood but the prices of the houses located there are too high for your budget, you might want to consider buying a land and building your own house. Yet, if you are not too picky about the neighborhood where you are going to live, you can easily find a house at a good price somewhere in most of the neighborhoods.  Also, you need to be incredibly considerate about the time investment which you are going to make for finding your dream home. Buying an existing house is surely a process which takes less time than building your own but if you are not in a rush and you can afford to wait a long time until it is all ready, time will not be a requirement in your decision.


Even if there are many house-showings to which you take part in order to find your dream home, it still might be hard to find one which is suitable with all your expectations and needs. Building your own home definitely gives you the opportunity to customize your house exactly as you want because you decide every detail of the building process such as the materials which are used such as concrete from a company providing services locally, the number of the rooms and their arrangement, the colors of the walls and the design of the house. Surely, there are some details you can change at an existing house which you buy but that requires an additional investment of time and money which can be avoided by building your dream house with all your customization expectations right from the beginning.

Hidden problems of an existing house

When buying an existing home, you need to be aware of the fact that you are also buying all its good and bad aspects. There can be some problems of the house which the previous owner could have hide before showing the house such as mold on the walls hidden under fresh painting, a damaged roof or a flood which has damaged the foundation of the house making it less resistant in the future. Moreover, if you discover that the house you have bought has numerous hidden problems you did not identify at the beginning, repairing all the damages might cost you a fortune and take a lot of time or you might not even be able to repair them. However, when building your own house, you know for sure that the house is freshly constructed and in its best conditions. Yet, if you choose to buy instead of building your home, you need to carefully check for any sign of a problem of the house.

Building your own home gives you personal satisfaction

The fact that you are working hard together with all your loved ones in order to build and design your dream house makes the process feel more personal than it would if you would only buy an existing one. Once you finish building the house it would be easier for you to feel like home because you know it is your accomplishment for which you have worked hard and invested a lot of time and passion. Moreover, if you have the necessary skills to be the builder of your own home and you do not hire a someone else for this, when you are creating something for your own good, you are definitely paying more attention to the details because you wish for everything to be perfect just as you have imagined it because you realize that the effort you are making is worth it.  

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia Madison is a young blogger and economics and marketing graduate. She writes about home, lifestyle and family topics and is a frequent contributor to popular niche publications.