Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by PSECU, a Pennsylvania-based credit union.

When it comes to their financial lives, many people today find themselves running on an endless hamster wheel with no way to get off. As soon as the paychecks come in, the bills follow on their heels, yelling "timber" as they chop down available bank balances to mere stumps. Those making barely enough to keep them in Kraft Mac & Cheese may feel like getting ahead is impossible.
However, it's never too late to improve personal finances — nor does getting your finances on track need to mean starving and wearing rags. Try these seven money-saving tips to get runaway financing under control.

1. Know the Numbers

Many people today tend to carry plastic, not cash or checks. This means that unless they review their monthly bank statement, they may spend far more than they think on minor items that really add up.

When heading to the store, leave your debit card at home. Write down a list of common expense categories on separate envelopes, fill them with the appropriate amount of cash and only use that to shop. This will prevent you from overspending on frivolous items.

2. Make a Budget

Adulting means investing in larger items like appliances, couches and computers costing hundreds — if not thousands — of dollars. The temptation is to pimp up a new pad using credit or even store-payment plan with visions of paying it down. But the interest rates means paying double or more over the life of the loan.

Instead, make up a budget of must-pay expenses, like rent or food. Then, take the rest and divide it between saving for that coveted big screen TV and putting it an emergency fund.

3. Pay off High-Interest Debt First

The interest you pay on anything from credit cards to student loans can end up costing as much, if not more than, the original price of the item. To avoid paying more in interest, start paying off the credit card or loan with the highest rate first. Every month, when you pay bills, include an additional amount toward the priciest debt. Then, work on the debt with the next highest interest rate, etc.

4. Speak to Your Lenders

It costs lenders a hefty chunk of change to have to chase down people for debt. Even secured loans with capital lenders can seize if the debt remains unpaid, and they must follow rigorous guidelines in doing so. As such, most lenders embrace visits and calls from those who wish to repay their obligation, but who also wish to modify the terms of the agreement.

Call credit card companies and explain that paying down your debt as quickly as possible is the goal. Be creative — instead of simply requesting lower payments, ask them to remove finance charges and late fees.

5. Eliminate One Monthly Bill

How many people turn on the TV and flip through the listings only to turn the tube back off in disgust? Why pay for services that bring little to no joy? Sometimes, people sign up for a subscription service on a free trial basis but forget to call and cancel until they see the charges appearing on their bank statements.

Cut the cable and switch to less expensive options like Netflix and Hulu for entertainment. Make use of apps like Trim and Mint to help identify any duplicate charges and cancel services you no longer use.

6. Learn to Cook

Dining out costs a fortune, especially for those ordering a true soup-to-nuts meal. Save money by restricting your restaurant dining to no more than once per week. No inner Julia Child? Consider using a planning service that sends you meals with all the ingredients and instructions required. These services make it possible to feed the whole family on what it would cost for a single entree at a casual chain.

7. Consult with a Pro

Most people mistakenly believe it takes a lot of money to hire a professional finance manager. However, those with the tightest budgets ironically need such help the most. Certified financial planners won't only assist with budgetary matters — they'll seek out affordable investments with solid returns. They can also advise people on the best time to invest in a new home or make another large purchase.

Work Toward Financial Peace of Mind

Whenever people are in a financially difficult time, they often despair, thinking all is lost. Getting back on the economic track takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. Here's to a future filled with less stress and greater financial peace of mind!

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Professional Digital Marketing