Life will always throw us challenges that sometimes are mild but can also devastating. Being able to rise above these challenges can often be so difficult the only way to deal with them is by patience, trying to be calm and taking each day at a time. Yes I know, try telling the person who is experiencing these difficult moments to be patient, it's rather insulting almost like 'I told you so'. Once we are in a position of difficulty it's often the case that things just keep getting worse and worse and we feel that there is no way we will be able to get up and survive. Hope is lost and we become the victim which is extremely dangerous. We need to find a way to counteract this surge of hopelessness and fight back however week and useless we feel.
Firstly we need to think clearly about what is actually happening. It will be impossible to do this unless we get out of victim mode. Victim mode will make things worse. We will rant about what is happening to us and how can this be happening. We will also keep asking what have we done to deserve this treatment and we will carry on victimising ourselves to our friends and family who will in time get really fed up with us. Funnily enough they will have answers but because we are playing the victim we won't be in a position to accept advice. The worst case scenario is that we will lose those who are close to us making us feel even worse and thus plunging into the deepest depths of despair.
It's important to tackle each challenge one at a time. Make a list of everything that is wrong which will be depressing but it will bring a tiny piece of clarity. Then we must put our challenges in order by putting the smallest things first. It must be done in this order because the small things are probably not that bad and the feeling of crossing them off the list will help you regain a tiny fraction of hope. Keep this list somewhere where you see it all the time. It won't be a constant reminder making you feel bad but a reminder that you are doing something about the challenges you are facing. Let's face it, without the list you would be consumed with all the challenges merged into one which would actually make you feel worse.
Real friends and family are there to help you because they love and care for you unconditionally. If you talk clearly without playing the victim and show that you are doing your best to tackle these problems they will want to help you. What you don't want is pity so you can wallow in your situation and your friends and family don't want to pity you but help you.
Find a place where you can give yourself 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening where you won't be disturbed and go through the list. Listen to the sounds around you, be grateful that you are still alive. Say to yourself I'm not going to let these challenges destroy me. Let yourself be angry but the anger must be strong and in a fight back manner so you are showing the world you are not going to be brought down in this way. Do this every day and see the strength you can muster up and hit those challenges one by one. Most importantly believe that there are better things to come and if you can do this you will climb out much stronger with a sense of pride and respect for yourself.
Angelica Young, Life Coach Expert at Your Life is Important, Mentor and Author of The Midas Key, manifesting Prosperity,Wealth and Abundance
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