Reverse dieting is world number 1 ebook.You should buy reverse dieting ebook.Katie is in the best shape of her life. She is 26 years old, and recently broke up in a photo shoot. High tanned, thin and thin, they like the images back, and she is phenomenal in the air. After choosing the always pathetic child went to school, she took things in hand, began to read about nutrition, go to the gym and worked her ass for two consecutive years to get in good condition.
But she is miserable.
With so much that, you think Katie would be above the world, but it is not.
It is a strange phenomenon, but when you reach a long-term goal, life can be quite empty. You worked on something for so long, and then there is a sense of excitement that you get a goal that set for you, at the same time you are sad stretched. Worse still, we do not know where to go.
These feelings are improved with respect to the realization of a fysikmål as well. Especially when it becomes fat.
You thinning days of the day with few calories supported, which pushes through cardio and cruel sessions there are some nights, those hours in bed are good for going to bed to wake up and have breakfast. But this effort is worth it because you came to your goal. Maybe you see it heading almost to your abs for the first time, take a picture of Katie here, or even walk into a bodybuilding scene. Whatever the battle is paid for.
Breakfast meal 200x300
But now, there is only one way to go -
Introduction to reverse feeding
An inverse regime is the process in which you gradually increase your calorie intake after a prolonged period of diet.
The idea is to slowly reintroduce excess calories (usually in the form of carbohydrates and fats), so it can help restore your metabolism to low calories and start building muscle. When you regulate the metabolism and hormones that your metabolism falls cost, so calories can quickly lead to taking too much to store excess body fat - it's not something you want, when you've worked so hard to be compatible.
While there are arguments against this type of investment scheme (especially by those who believe it is not necessary, and that a better approach is to go straight to a theoretical maintenance calorie for a few weeks and then start to increase even more) , Is in the generally preferred by most of the natural bodybuilders and competitors of fitness.
But here is the problem
Although following an investment system is designed to sit while you "fix" your metabolism and increase muscle mass, it is not all sunshine and roses.
At some point you get some fat.
It will not be a significant amount at a time, but you will see it and think "hey, where did the biceps vein come from?"
This is where things get difficult.
You get an irresistible urge for a new diet, blast by regaining the idea of all the fat you've lost to start. It looks like a weird hippie shit or the sort of thing you might think of an overly emotional woman being told to fall off the wagon body when dieting, but it's true. Even the macho and the girls are more resistant to panic and start taking stupid thoughts.
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I remember the email I sent my trainer about four weeks in my feed back -
"I woke up yesterday morning with a lower specific ab bag that I can drink a nasty tons of what seems to be fresh and my quads are very swollen vascular and less idea of why - it was spent that night and few people have The one even says "
Yes. I was with regularity and emotional egotistiske. Here is the answer I got -
Probably only water. It has not all added a day of fat, especially if it is lost ... it would mean that it has lost muscle ... we have not finished =)
It's about the same - "wake up and stop being a baby. What you just said is physiologically impossible happened, and you know it." But in a much more enjoyable way.
This drastic thoughts, however, is common, and is the only reason many people resort to their reverse diet. Or it is thought "I am fat, I have to reduce calories again," not only stop not completely the progression of the clues, but can be detrimental to health.
Waqas Ali is the author
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