Listening to the inarticulate can help bring peace to others, says Glenn Jetta Barclay

Have you heard the silence? The silence of the Child Jesus around whom Christmas swirls?

So it is that the silent Jesus symbolises all who cannot speak clearly for themselves. Therefore the Jesus of Christmas is the Jesus who relates to all societies and people.

As a child born before the "Rights of the Child" existed, Jesus reflects all children living in unhealthy and risky circumstances, whether rich or poor.

Jesus lived among children, especially slaves, who were neglected, ill-treated, even violated. These little ones had no voice to protest. Neither do un-liberated children today!

Jesus lived in a war zone, as do modern children in the Middle East. Life is expendable in such areas. Children regularly die, are unjustly imprisoned, even tortured; some are forced to become child prisoners. Propaganda twists the truth

These children are virtually voiceless. Are we listening to their enforced silence?

The adult Jesus was articulate in word and action, responding to human cries. Jesus showed unconditional love. And all people, whether religious or not, can celebrate love.

The good news is that some people are indeed listening to the silence of the voiceless; are indeed acting out the sacred code of love, mercy and justice.

Christians celebrate the birth of the one, whose message of total love remains.

"Peace, goodwill to all, now and forever", as the angels wonderfully sang. Do you hear it in the silence This is for ALL to celebrate. That peace is for YOU. That godwill is for YOU. Just as peace and goodwill is for both the articulate and the voiceless.

God needs humans in partnership to help peace become a reality for others. We can begin today, as we listen to the silence and act accordingly. Then this 2009 Christmas will be true to it's essence.

The Rev Glenn Jeta Barclay is a Presbyterian minister, writing on behalf of the Wellington (NZ) Council of Churches

An extract, as published in the Dominion Post, Wellington, New Zealand, December 22nd 2006


"St Paul preached a world order based not on power, but on righteousness. Peace and prosperity would be won not by might of arms, but through justice, love and sharing - that was how Jesus's vision of of God's kingdom would be realised."

- Ian Harris writing in his column 'Honest to God' in the Dominion newspaper, Wellington, New Zealand

Jesus related to all societies and people - the common fabric of humanity. He was "a voice for the voiceless". The life-changing power of Jesus.

He had a passion for peace, mutual tolerance interaction between different faiths and respect for all.

God needs human beings in partnership to help peace become a reality for others. In so doing, we are then choosing hope over fear, unity over division.

Let Your spirit shine through my words. Embrace the light

Shared by craig, who is currently “working on” and writing a true story ‘Long Walk (Road) to Peace

“Together, one mind, one soul, one life at a time, let’s march together to a brighter future”

"Lord, make me a channel for your peace, a window for your light to shine through to everyone I meet."

Author's Bio: 

Craig's new blog with thoughts and extracts from various writings is at +