In 1953, researchers at Yale University polled the graduating class and found that 3% of the graduates had a set of clearly defined written goals.
Twenty years later, in 1973, these researchers went back and visited the class of '53 and found that the 3% of the graduates with these written goals had amassed a net worth that was greater than the other 97% combined.
This is powerful indication that goal setting is critical for success.
We see goal setting as a process. We are constantly formulating goals and evaluating these goals. As in any process, you must always begin with the first steps. We recommend that you begin your goal setting with brainstorming and idea generation.
Steps for successful brainstorming and idea generation.
1 Get a pen, plenty of paper, and a comfortable place to write.
2 Begin by answering the question: "What would I try to acquire in life if I was absolutely certain that I would get it?"
3 Continue by answering the following question: "What would I try to accomplish in my life if I was certain that I would achieve it."
4 Finish by answering this question: "How do I want to be remembered?"
5 When answering these questions, think in terms of your home life, your family life, your career, your health, your social life, your physique, your hobbies, your community, your world and just about anything else that comes to mind.
Guidelines to answering the questions above:
1 Save your criticism and evaluation for later. Write whatever comes to your mind.
2 Nothing you write is too silly or too ridiculous.
3 Write all of your thoughts, no matter how painful, how absurd, or how embarrassing.
4 Remember that this list is for you.
5 You don't have to answer these questions all at once. Take your time and let the thoughts flow, with as much detail as possible.
Once you have completed this first step of goal setting, you are ready for the next step. The next steps for goal setting will be coming in future issues.
David Riklan is the founder of , the #1 Rated "Self Improvement" site on the Internet. He has created three inspiring resources to help with your journey to greater success.
They include: “Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts That Help Us Improve Our Lives" & his FREE 6-part E-Course "Self Improvement 101: The 62 Essential Truths about Improving Your Life!" Details at: & he has created a phenomenal collection of Free Self Improvement and Self Help Newsletters that can be found by going to
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