Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves. This was never more so than this month of October!
The Journal is also available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI2-bD9mqTseIcfLvE3xgIg so you can listen to it as well as view some of the scenery where our events are held. To further assist you to stay in the flow of what is evolving, we make almost daily posts on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ShamanicsinPortugal/
No matter where you are on this planet, the heightened energies of September´s eclipse cycle of letting go and releasing have taken many into emotional depths not visited before. Bringing to the surface beliefs about self and relationships, which were not necessarily from this lifetime.
The purpose? So we can become who we want to become in this lifetime.
These last four months have been very much ones of the energy of Fire - transformation. October´s new moon brought a shift to a Libran moon – the scales, an Air sign. The element of freedom of movement and expansion.
As a follower of shamanic practice you know this is the element closest to Spirit. It is through our breath and mastering our breath we connect the conscious and unconscious mind, so allowing us to access the spiritual realms. For it is only from here can we really know who we want to become? (Should you wish to know more about the clarity Air energy can bring, as a subscriber you can download a complimentary copy of our All About Air workbook).
Hence what we begin to create now, even if only in outline, will form the basis for the coming new cycle. Which is why we need to be still and hear our guidance.
Taking the dance floor
We are now in the first of the three lunar cycles this month, the last of which is referred to as a ‘blue moon’. Meaning this is a powerful month to shift your emotions, especially all those involving relationships. Not only the intimate ones, all including those in business and partnerships.
As a reminder, in September´s Journal we referred to our “fortune finder Jupiter moving into the balancing and fair-minded Libra - remaining here until October 2017.” We are also now in a Libran moon. Hence why this month is a dance between the old and the new. A deeper sense of release and relief combined with a necessity to accept more, to allow yourself to be and receive.
This month may feel as though we are dancing from one emotional extreme to another totally opposite, or at least in our minds! If instead you look upon it as a dance of polarities, you may better understand all of our energies are seeking to find a way to be balanced toward a refined sense and state of equilibrium. So, creating balance within each of us.
This last quarter of 2016 is about allowing the new to push aside the patterns of our old beliefs. In this way we will help ourselves create our new presence. The patterns though will make sure they cannot be ignored as they are always showing and revealing to us something about ourselves. If you are ready, feel into those patterns and how they are connected to your behaviour. Look around in your world, it is full of patterns. Do you want or need them all?
The emptier the mind, the less patterns will be present and the more conscious awareness you can embody. This is the coming shift for next year.
Which is why this last quarter of 2016 is about planting the seeds of what you desire in your life. The exact nature of the years which follow October 2017 will depend on the seeds you plant prior to then.
This October offers us new beginnings, if we choose to take up the offer? Doing so though will require us to listen to our own quiet voice!
Expressing your freedom...
16th October brings the full moon, then on the 19th expect an unusual amount of energy and a heightened sense of self confidence. This will allow success to be achieved more easily as the fire of Mars and Pluto merge in one powerful conjunction – symbolising beginnings and completion.
On the 28th there will be a strong urge for freedom. Though be careful about acting or deciding in haste. Make sure you are balanced and centred as a powerful surge of energy courses through your life.
The next day beauty, love and values merge with reality and discipline as you enter a phase of sincerity and realism about relationships, finances and making your environment just as you desire. Meaning you will need to be centred and emotionally balanced!
Finally on the 30th there is the new moon, a blue moon. This lunar cycle carries many opportunities to use your intuition to set a new agenda for your life. Accessing your truth and wisdom at their deepest levels.
One Spirit Work
On the equinox we held a ceremony as part of the global one co-ordinated from Alaska by White Eagle Medicine Woman (https://www.facebook.com/White-Eagle-Medicine-Woman-128535723879434/). The purpose was to link the grid points across the Earth. In the past month we have also guided several Vision Quests. If you feel the call to Quest during this last part of 2016, email us at http://shamanicsinportugal.com/contact/ to indicate dates most convenient for you to Quest. Just include your name, email address and dates. We will then assess numbers for a particular weekend and if convenient, email to confirm the date and to request a booking.
29/30th October will be 'Discovering the Inner Realms...an Introduction to Shamanism'. This will introduce you to the shamanic experience of ritual, creating sacred space, journeying, meeting your guides, power animals and much more on our experiential journey together. It will provide you with powerful, effective tools to let you tap into the unseen world for insight and healing which requires no external authority, intermediary, or even beliefs.
A copy of our 'All About Air' workbook will be provided to all who book.
The full list of events is available by visiting this link: Forthcoming Events: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/2016 The dates for 2017 will be available shortly. For details of further events view our Facebook page.
If you feel the need for deep intense one-on-one coaching, email us at shamanicsinportugal@gmail.com. Skype or similar is available
Contemplation and Self Investigation for October
The Ripple Effect - How we can change the world: LOVE
Trying to put words to this investigation is an interesting one as it is simpler and far larger than words convey. And, words can trip us up very easily too, though here goes!
It all comes down to LOVE.
And this starts within ourselves. Once we start to open our own hearts and realise that we all want to be loved and feel the ultimate unity of that peace, we can start to shift and see others as the same as ourselves. This is where we can all then start to make a difference in the current world we are in – making a paradigm shift in our awareness.
When you can see past the pain and the suffering; the anger and frustration; the fear and the awful things we perceive; and know that we all want to feel Love, we then can raise our own vibration. We move beyond forgiveness to compassion and grace. We stop the judgements of this event or person as being bad or not good - in whatever guise this may take.
We then can stop taking on dense low vibration energy and move into a position of healing ourselves.
This will then create a ripple effect of movement, spreading out both within ourselves and outward to the world around us.
The more we can Love ourselves, the more we can pour Love into the world.
When you see each human being as Love, your shoulders lower, you become less stiff and your breath slows, you smile more, you walk in a world of no fear. As you cultivate this space, you create the calmness within your own being. You then radiate this out to the world around you.
Imagine yourself as the centre of a spiral. The energy spirals inwards to deep core beliefs that are out dated, releasing and freeing old stagnant energy. The physical body heals as well as on a mind/emotional level. Opening you to greater freedom from reactions to external influences.
You then at the same time, start to walk with an open heart, radiating out Love to others as you touch their own energy fields. This has a spark effect, a ripple that touches everyone around you - when you smile and laugh the whole world can smile with you.
You know when you have met such a person, they will light up the whole room with a smile, immediately lifting the energy. Just imagine the effect if each of us is in that state of being? Humanity will change, for this flow of energy creates flow, releasing stagnation.
We cannot all become givers by being aid or charity workers or work in support services. Though we can all be in touch with the Love that is at the core of us all.
The world we live in is the world that is within us now. The landscapes you find yourself in, the people you are interacting with, family and friends are in your world. When reading or watching the news, we can easily become angered and saddened. By choosing to interact with these worlds, then it becomes part of your world.
The key here is to choose how to interact with the external world, and what we choose then feeds into our own now bigger world - the world of our own thoughts, feelings and actions. We can choose to be loving and peaceful, then that is our world. This makes a difference. The same is true if we react in a negative way: angry, abusive and threatening, that is what ripples out affecting the world around each of us.
The external world is not our world, it is not part of your experience unless you choose to participate in it. Only then does it become part of your world. We can choose to stay in high vibration and not be affected by what we perceive as happening to others and send Love to all regardless. Then we are helping heal the world.
We can also choose to physically become actively involved if the passion is deep enough. Though question why you are motivated to do this? Is it because you are angry or do you want to spread the Love? Our true nature is loving kindness.
The shadow within us moves outside of us, just as the beauty and love that is within us ripples from our beings.
Just imagine if we all knew, that we are all the same – LOVE. We would cherish, honour and be in peace with each other.
Doodling the other night with spirals it became clear if we are all at the beginning of each spiral and when we interact with another our spirals meet. Though it does not stop there, it continues – your energy interacting with another, then another and another without limit. For we touch each other even if we have not physically met, our energies are linked.
The image below shows straight lines connecting the dots, though if you superimpose a spiral from each point, it becomes even more interesting. How many more people do you silently touch?
'Six degrees of separation' is the idea that everyone and everything is only six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world. In this way a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. This way to connect to all those we do not know was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy in 1929.
Do you frown, moan, criticise? Are you fearful or do you smile, engage in positive words and celebrate. Observe the response when you smile at others, notice also when you frown at others, again what is the response?
Again the same quote turns up...
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world”
– Mahatma Ghandi
You wish peace, be peace
You wish love, be love
You wish forgiveness, be forgiveness
You wish joy, be joy
You wish care, be caring
You wish empathy, be empathetic
You wish for no more war, be the peaceful warrior within your own lives, be peace
The list is endless... We can be that change.
The more we heal ourselves and shift and open our awareness to that healing and then move into love, we then stop accepting any more hurt and dis-ease because we do not react in the same way.
Are you aware enough to realise it starts with each and every single one of us.
LOVE, We are Love
Portuguese power animal for October: Wasp
Featured in the full version of the Earth Spirit Journal which can be obtained free by subscribing at: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/newsletter/shamanics-newsletter/
In numerology October is a Universal 1 month, meaning new beginnings. We are also moving toward the end of 2016, many would say not a moment too soon! 2017 is a 1 year. So, we are now in a period of planting seeds, which can germinate during 2017 - the first in a new nine year cycle.
When you allow yourself to hear Source´s whispers then you will know your vision for the coming years.
Besides creating and running http://creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/ Gregory Reece-Smith, the author of this article, is also one of the three main guides with Shamanics in Portugal alongside Steve and Suze Plenty-Light Elliott. You can visit the team's facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ShamanicsinPortugal, and their website at http://shamanicsinportugal.com/
Gregory is an experienced transformation facilitator, both within organisations and with individuals. As well as coaching, he conducts workshops at various locations around the world allowing participants to gain experience of how to effect a shift and bring greater clarity in their lives. Gregory´s first book 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony – A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life', was published by Divine Time Books and is currently available via Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry
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