Driving at night is safe if you follow the rules and avoid committing certain mistakes. That is why your driving school will always tell you to be particularly alert while driving at night. It will tell you to follow the norms categorically and avoid committing mistakes. Here in this write-up, we will discuss the mistakes that you need to be wary of, during night driving.

Not Visiting the Eye Specialist if You Have Blurred Vision

You need to ensure that you clear your vision while you drive at night. In case of any blurred vision or any problem in seeing at night, more so when you are seeing against bright lights, you must visit an eye specialist, without any delay whatsoever! Many would consider them as a normal optical aberration or illusion and would ignore them. That’s the gravest mistake that will turn night driving a lot riskier. That is the reason, your driving school in Middle Park or anywhere else would tell you to get your eyes checked the moment you face any issue with the vision.

Not Dimming the Dashboard

If you think that night driving will be exciting with the bright dashboard lights on, you are taking an altogether wrong approach. When you have very high lights on for your dashboard, your vision beyond the interiors of your vehicle becomes restricted, more so when you are looking at the bright lights. That is the reason, the instructors at your driving school will always tell you to drive at night with dimmed dashboard lights.

Looking Straight Into the Bright Incoming Headlights

If you have a tendency of looking straight into the bright headlights coming from the opposite direction, you must discard it. Looking into the lights will leave your vision numb and blinded temporarily and these are the moments when mishaps do occur due to your momentary inability to see and gauge distances. That is the reason, the instructors at your driving school in Sherwood or wherever you are, will tell you never to look at the bright lights when you drive at night.


Speeding is never on earth, a good idea –day or night. More so, when you speed at night, the risk proposition increases by an alarming extent. Remember, at night you have to depend more on light indications than anything else. Therefore, when you are speeding, you are at greater risk of being exposed to the sudden dangers emanating out of nowhere. Thus, every driving instructor will tell you to avoid speeding at all costs.

Not Keeping Your Windshield and Mirrors Clean

This is a pretty elementary, yet one of the most dangerous mistakes that you make while driving at night. If you have too much dust and dirt particles on the windscreen and the looking glasses, the light will fall on them and will undergo excessive refraction from the angles of those particles and cause a more-than-normal blinding effect. Again, this exposes you to much more risk.

Therefore, your instructor at your driving school in Belmont will always advise you to avoid these issues and be safe while driving at night.

Author's Bio: 

The author runs a driving school in Belmont, Sherwood, & Middle Park. The author is also a regular blogger.