My Experience of Higher Consciousness

Over the years I have strived to learn from spiritual leaders and teachers what higher consciousness is and how to incorporate it into my life. This has taken many different forms through learning about life force ( otherwise known as ki, chi or prahna), meditation, coordination of mind, body and spirit, mediumship, sacred geometry,spirituality and manifestation.

There have been times when my life flowed well and I manifested, sometimes without full understanding, many things for the good of others and ultimately for myself and my family. At these times I have been contented and focused on my goals and a knowing of success.

At other times, I have struggled to understand why things in my life have not worked out, expending all my energy and emotions worrying and procrastinating about the why's and where fore's. Tiring myself out with trying and seemingly no positive end result and as a result losing all that I had gained materially. So what is the difference? Why has this been so? These question I have asked myself many times, rooting for an answer. Praying for my life to change for the better, wanting and asking for change.

It never really dawned on me that when I was content and grateful for what I had:; grateful for what I was to receive; living in the moment; not concerning myself with what happened in the past; or what i needed in the future, that my life and my circumstances changed for the better.

I started to achieve what I had originally set out to do, without struggle or strife. If I didn't have all I thought I needed to survive, which in times of strife always seemed to be the case, it was because I merely focused on the need. Not on what I had now and how I could best utilise it to better myself and others.

But how can I achieve my end goal ? How do I get there? Everything I try doesn't seem to work? It's because it's someone' else's fault? why does nobody care? why does nobody love me?

It is because I did not love myself; I did not believe in myself; I did not practice what I was taught; I did not practice what I preached. How can I help others if I don't know how to help myself. I have learnt so much from others. Yet found it difficult to practice it daily, because I decided consciously or unconsciously that my fears and others were in control of my life.
So now I have turned it round, I am just being, living from my heart, relaxing my mind, channeling through my higher spirit, grateful for what I have, grateful for what I am about to achieve as though I have achieved it already.

I know what my path is on this 3rd dimension in this time and space. I know what has been asked of me. It may seem so immense as to be overwhelmingly daunting, but that is just fear getting in the way. If I see my path as already here in the now then it will truly manifest. But if I see my path as in the distant future it will always remain so and I will never achieve it.

I now am able to connect, observe and experience myself as an integral part of my "I AM" presence, not just the four vehicles (psychical, mental, etheric, emotional) of Michael J Robey existing on the 3rd dimension of this planet, but the whole of my "I AM" connecting with my angel, guardians, and other dimensional selves. A whole new multi-dimensional universal consciousness has opened up for me to understand the infinite immensity of who my "I AM" presence truly is.

Michael J Robey


Author's Bio: 

My History - Michael J Robey
Six Senses

My spiritual journey really started when I found Ki Aikido when in my late 20’s. in London. I always loved to dance, but I always felt I needed something more to bring balance and harmony into my life.
Ki Aikido was the answer for me, providing me with mind body spirit coordination, positive yet gentle ki energy and a rejuvenated lust for life and knowledge.
After my 1st Dan, I had the privilege of being an assistant to 10th Dan Sensei Williams, even though he was 75 years of age at the time, he was the most powerful man I had ever come across, even to this day. He was the first European to be taught by the Samurai Sensei in Japan in the 1940’s.
He continually astounded me, as to his absolute sensitivity and instinctive knowing, of how much ki energy power I could take, as he threw me effortlessly, over and over, in every direction possible, with breathtaking speed and distance, like an ocean wave of infinite ki power through a vortex..
This journey changed my whole outlook on self, ego, super ego, higher self, humility, inner strength, positivity, calmness coordination of mind, body spirit and the latent universal power we all have within us, waiting for us to tap into.
Much later in my 40’s, I discovered further universal power of mind, quite by accident, when a group of ladies from my village contacted my mother through channeling. My mother had died suddenly, when I was only 4 years old, and her spirit was so overwhelmed, that she could finally make contact with me and tell me about her life and how she had watched over me all those years. I always knew she was with me, but now I could finally talk to her. Also to my father who I had never known.
This intrigued me so much, I had to learn how to channel. I considered it such a gift to have. So I attended spiritual circles and courses for a number of years in Somerset and Wiltshire. where I was then based.
To my amazement I could channel pretty much straight away, as I was open to trust, but I indeed had much more to learn through regular practice and great teachers.
In my 50’s, I had the opportunity to travel across the United States and attend courses by spiritual leaders I admired, such as Drunvalo Melchizedek in Sedona, Uqualla, the Native American Chief from Colorado River Grand Canyon, and other scholars, such as David Wilcock, Richard Hoagland, Greg Bradden. As well as Graham Hancock, David Icke, Michael Tsarin and David Boyle in the UK. There are many others across the world whom I have studied their work,
Through all these amazing teachers, I have gained more and more knowledge of the parallel multi-dimensional universes that all our aspects of spirit, co-exist in the Now, as a holographic particle of All That Is. Our spirit knows All That Is, as it is an integral part of it, we are simply experiencing it in different simultaneous realities and dimensions to attain Complete Knowing.
This is why we all have the ability to communicate with all our senses and infinite capabilities. interacting with higher dimensions and experiencing all waves of possibilities. We simply have to accept, trust and become more consciously aware of all possibilities of existence.
It is up to each and every spirit to decide “how far down the rabbit hole” we want to go to discover our infinite possibilities and capabilities.!history/obsw1

Michael Robey​
Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator

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