Medical Care Is Not Healthcare & Medical Insurance Is Not
The #1 agenda for Trump is to scrap Obamacare. It needs to be replaced with a system that uses market forces to make health insurance more affordable and available, says Joe Farah, editor of, adding that experts that say how complicated it is are the same ‘experts’ who insisted you could keep your own doctor.
Let those who want insurance buy it, but let’s not confuse the issue by bad definitions. “They are starting to call medical care ‘healthcare,’” said Dr. Mervyn Hardinge, Dean of Loma Linda’s School of Public Health, 40 years ago while I was Assistant Prof. of Health Science there.
America has swallowed the bait of symptomatic relief—never mind the long list of Adverse Drug Reactions—and millions are hooked on drugs to relieve the results of their own misdoing when most problems are not serious and will get better if they just change their diet.
The following information is an introduction to real healthcare as it shows its greatest risk—medical care when the true remedy for most ailments is wiser eating as the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates said.
The oft-quoted JAMA figure of 106,000 Adverse Drug Reaction deaths (4-15-1998) were in hospitals, but 199,000 outpatient deaths (Western Journal of Medicine, June, 2000) brought the total to 305,000 and for every death, 550 were sick enough to see their doctor, 40 were sick enough to be admitted to the hospital and 15 were admitted to long term care--messed up for life?
The 1st JAMA article defined Adverse Drug Reactions as “properly prescribed and administered.” It wasn’t an overdose or malpractice. The reactions are unpredictable, like Russian Roulette.
Most of the conditions in medical textbooks are of “unknown etiology,” and if they don’t know the cause, how can the drug be the cure? Almost all drugs in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (3500 pages of fine print) have a long list of conditions reportedly caused by the drug.
Pharmacology evolved from toxicology which was the study of adverse effects of chemicals or drugs that kill half the rats. Not much has changed except for the greed of Congress to accept drug donations to their re-election campaign as long as they go along with “healthcare” that includes drug ads on TV and Obamacare, 20,000 pages written largely by help from drug companies.
Since Congress approved drug ads in 1997, illness, disability and deaths from adverse drug reactions (then the 3rd leading cause of death, Journal of AMA, 7-26-2000) have increased 270% to 2005. (Archives of Internal Medicine, Sept 10, 2007)
But those figures for illnesses, disability and death are grossly out of date. There’s probably a 10-fold increase for two reasons.
1. Annual spending on direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs tripled between 1996 and 2000, when it reached nearly $2.5 billion. (New England Journal of Medicine, 2-14-2002) The ads resulted in a tripling of spending on prescription drugs during that period of time (Health Affairs, 8-2016) By 2001, “Spending on Prescription Drugs Increased by Almost 19 Percent,” (NY Times, 5-8-2001) with drug sales then $132 billion. This shows drug investments of $2.5 billion in ads yielded sales of more than 50-fold their investment.
The above data looks back 15-20 years ago. As 2017 rolls in, those drug ads continue on TV. By 2000 Adverse Drug Reactions were the #3 cause of death, (JAMA 7-26-2000) but by now they easily surpass cancer and probably heart disease for this reason--
2. Two thirds of heart disease deaths are over the age of 75. Many, if not most, of these people are in nursing homes. The average number of prescriptions that a nursing home patient takes is 9. These people are so spaced out, they can fill their diaper and think everything is ok. And when their heart stops, their doctor signs the death certificate as “Heart Disease.” No autopsy is done to see if a coronary artery was blocked. Autopsies aren’t fashionable now and “heart disease” on the death certificate raises no concern.
One of the last messages in the Bible is to come out of Babylon—the confused systems of this world that include prescription drugs, “for by her sorceries [Greek word is pharmakeia] were all nations deceived.” Revelation 18:23.
Coming out of such a corrupt system is possible if people realize that most of their health problems come from what they put in their mouths and if they are willing to eat wisely. Our bodies are the sum total of the nutrition we have given them since birth.
If we have a problem, we did it to ourselves. The good news is that it’s reversible if we are smart enough to discover the cause. While doing yearly physicals on executives at Loma Linda University, one man said sugar bothered his joints. Another said cheese gave him arthritis. A third said meat made his joints ache. They had figured it out.
But when I got headaches, I couldn’t see a relationship to diet. I even consulted a neurologist who taught medical students. He said diet would be a very rare cause of my type of headache. I later learned he didn’t know…
When I left the university for group medical practice, the allergist had patients come long distances, so I asked how many with headaches did he help. “About 9 out of 10,” he said, “Test me!” I implored.
I would not have believed it, but I was allergic to wheat, gluten, pasta, pastry—I had eaten too much and become allergic, but when I left them out, no more headaches!
A good example of how it works are the alkaloids, caffeine and nicotine. People don’t get sick when the drink coffee or smoke—they get symptoms on withdrawal—headaches are particularly common, which is why Anacin, Excedrin, Fiorinal, Goody powder put caffeine in their products, to stop the withdrawal with another dose of caffeine.
People with headaches should quit the caffeine, use aspirin, Advil or Tylenol if they need it for a few days, and never go back to the brown liquids that can cause a host of problems as my video on YouTube shows…

Author's Bio: 

Richard Ruhling, MD was board-certified in internal medicine before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University. He offers a DVD showing Bill Clinton’s cardiologist from the Cleveland Clinic on his website, He is author of “Why You Shouldn’t Ask Your Doctor” and other ebooks that are free Saturday, December 24 on Amazon at He recommends The Alpha & Omega Bible Code that has mostly 5-star reviews.