There’s a mango hanging on the topmost branch of the tree. My mouth waters. How can I get it from there? Can I just looking on? If I really drool at the mouth, I’ll surely do something to pluck it off. But there’s mango on the topmost branch, I keep looking on and then come away. My mouth waters and then dries away. From that position, I describe the mango hanging on the topmost branch. I can’t go on to describe how it may be plucked.
But if I keep standing there? For a long time I stay on there. Many a way-farer passes by onward. None takes notice of me a bit seriously. Some call me mad, some needy, some worthless and so on. I keep standing there; I figure out by what methods I can pluck it off. I figure out every method step by step in my mind.
But many people feel—I needn’t go in for so many methods. There’s that mango on the topmost branch. All that I have to do is to describe it. There you are.
Once the mango is described, somebody thought within himself—‘Well, we didn’t know all this!’ He remains satisfied with that. Thus the traditional way of thinking has diminished the religious sense.
What is understood by religion? Well, do they mean any idol, or an image or any kind of worship? Nothing at all. It lies within your mind. Search that out. Then what’s the necessity of this image; why did it arise? Ritual. Aid to comprehension. Association of ideas. But this is not reality. Reality lies in the mind.
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In course of a catechism.
Prosad: So the point is, since we haven’t been able to comprehend the reality of Brahman, it hasn’t come out in our expounding in spite of our realization of knowledge and quality. Now what I seek to know, Mother, is just this. I’m an immature youth living close to that feeling, which you’ve realized in the very depth of your being. Why should I not have an understanding of that feeling if acquire enough learning? Learning, Mother, is one of the forms of knowledge, isn’t it?
Mother: take the instance of that Ball of Fire, eh? Just by its side there’s another Ball of snow. That is made of snow. Backwards and forwards they roll all the time. Have you noticed that?
You’ll have to stop that Ball of Fire in its tracks. You’ll have to do it in a way that the Ball of snow may not catch up with it. If it does, it rolls back the later, cools it off. In this instance we both understand and not. We understand but can’t realize. We understand but can’t retain. Why can’t they retain? When I explain to them, they find it as transparent as water. But they can’t retain the same. Why?
Prosad: Mother, I’ve something to say from another angle. I accept this still I can’t. For, everything that has to do with doctrine of religion has up to the present time been accomplished by a highly complicated commentary. But in the case of my master (Mother), I’ve found that she’s explained every doctrine in the simplest terms. One can understand if one is only so inclined. For, I understand many a thing. You may say—it’s something innate with you. Why, my brothers, too, understand many things. You may say, it’s all due to the close association with the Master. Why, many a scholar from outside also understands. If they don’t accept the depth of the vast philosophy of life by word of mouth, they surely accept it within themselves. So if we are furnished with a simple explanation of religion, we acquire the power of grasping an intuition. Thus why should we accept that argument of yours? Why should you speak only in term of Balls of snows and fire?
Mother: Have you done, have you? Well, now tell me this. If you live everyday, every moment in the presence of this Ball of Fire, you’ll later be able, as a matter of course, to see or know or understand it. These things are surely simple. Simple, no doubt. But it won’t do if I just pop in and pop out knowing everything. What matters if the written words are simple enough! It’s up against that Ball of snow.
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To get things more explicit
Prosad: why do you say that! For example, you said this, “Religion is just to measure the normal steps, to build up the household in an orderly manner. That’s indeed, true religion, and of original form. Starting from there, one can go on to the infinite.” That’s the beginning, but even there people find themselves falling short of the standard.
Mother: Who’s there who doesn’t care for discipline? Who doesn’t know of it? Call up a man before me, who doesn’t know what’s discipline. For example, let’s think of a household. The daughter-in-law sits dozing. The mother-in-law of course feels annoyed, isn’t it? She surely feels that this amounts to indiscipline. But she overlooks the matter. Why does she do so? It makes for peace. Does she not understand wherein the daughter-in-law has offended? Surely she does. She reconciles herself to the situation. Next moment she forgets. Where’s to find that balance of mind?
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Director of Pub. Div. : Adarsha Prokashani; Editor of Journals : Nandan Kanan & Sudhi Sahitya; General Secretary : Ma-Mahajnan Vishwa Kalyan Trust; Secretary : Society for the Formation of Character and Sequence; Independent Scholar : Philosophy Documentation Center, Ohio, USA; Member : Amnesty International India and Online Action Center AIUSA; Invited to Frankfurter Book Fair, Germany, to join the symposium on Indian Literature, held on and from September 26 to 28, 1986; An Inaugural Member as a Leading Philosopher of the World : 2006; International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England; Selected as one among the Asian/American Who’s Who; Invited to join The XXII World Congress of Philosophy 2008, held in Seoul, Korea, from 30 July to 5 August, 2008; Invited to join The 5 th World Congress of Psychotherapy 2008,to be held in Beijing, China, from October 12 to 15 of 2008;
Sponsor: Seeking donation to build up an Orphanage, an Old Age Home along with a Research Institute to enable comparative study of Science and Philosophy, Religion and Culture.+91 9732961562(M)
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