Sara, a young protégée of psychology, is in the prime of her educational career and is well poised to achieve whatever she wishes for her. With an intriguing sabbatical proffered to her and a tough choice to make between her future set plans, will she tread upon a voyage that’s going to test her to the limits of her capabilities? Will she dare set foot on the treacherous realms of an open, cruel world which is probably the best teacher when it comes to unravelling the complexities of human character? Buy This Book on Amazon in just $12.

Author's Bio: 

Hello, my name is Karen Cole 40 years-old woman, living in Philadelphia, United States. I am the founder and editor-in-chief of the HealthBenefitAdmin online magazine and I am responsible for the published content that would help my precious readers to live as happily, healthily, and sustainability as possible.