An Honest Look into a Mindfulness Journey from Ancient Europe's Perspective

"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use." Carlos Castaneda

Mindful Being by Nataša Pantović quote about awareness present moment

Why do you think this magic word ‘mindfulness’ lights up so many fires? Hearing the word we beautifully connect to the care-takers of this world, the carriers of the ancient spiritual practices, the alchemists of the soul. We hope to enter the magic dance between the world of energy and the world of matter.

Can Meditation bring Transformation and Happiness?

The conscious relationships, change of diets, conscious or mindful living, the balance with ourselves and Nature that creates the transformation within the body, mind and soul live as the highest potential promise within all of us.

Is it our love for God or the question: How does the mind heal the body? or How to tap into the endless Divine Potential that excites our minds or is it a purely selfish quest: towards more Happiness, more Enjoyment, more Fulfillment? It makes one wonder where does this quest come from? Could it be the religions' eternal promise woven into our sub-conscious mind or a conscious manipulation of all the beings on this planet who wish to capitalize on our Hedonism?

The road to mindfulness promises practitioners that they can finally live their lives ‘enlightened’ without ‘worries’, ‘troubles’, or ‘struggles’. OMG what a tall order! If you are into quick fixes, the magic wonders of fast food, taking pills to improve your IQ, the work with Mindfulness will probably not be your cup of tea.

Mindfulness and Christianity

Mindful Being Course by Nataša Pantović Quote about Busy Mind

Mindfulness and meditation has become a subject of many studies. Via a variety of techniques, mindfulness allows us to be more aware of our cognitive processes, our thinking and feeling, and therefore improve our emotional intelligence and maintain a calmer perspective. Psychologists and neuroscientists from Oxford and University College London plan to recruit children aged 11 to 16 from 76 secondary schools as part of a seven-year study. They wish to test some of the claims about the power of mindfulness meditation to tackle increased stress among the students.

Mindfulness and Religions

Does Mindfulness belong to a religion? Yes, to all of them. Each of the world's religions use spiritual tools such as: meditation, prayer, devotional singing, practicing compassion to reach Peace, Love and Bliss. Claiming supremacy over the tools and monopolising such wonderful experiences led to the major holocausts of humanity, burning books of ancient philosophers, and the huge distortion of the Truth.

The power thirsty humanity hid the Divine Essence behind the racism, false spiritual sovereignty, inequality, the destruction of all the other Beings on Earth, behind the sentence: ‘There is only one road to the Truth.’

Mindfulness Journey as a Personal Development Journey: Beauty and Wisdom Within

Ancient Europe's Mindfulness by Nataša Pantović

Inspiration and Motivation

The self realization journey is a beautiful life-long journey. It takes an effort to be commitment to the beauty of life and a courage to fall in love with practitioners of this amazing wisdom. We call them yogis, sages, poets, and feel inspired by their words. Yet, a word of warning, Mindfulness cannot be learned but only inspired.

Will it be your Hedonism or your love for God to push you into the World of Alchemy of Soul, into the hands of 4 directions and its elements, into the magic of Being on this Earth knowing your Purpose, into the spiritual journey of Self-Discovery is probably irrelevant, the tools have existed since the beginning of time available for all to practice but the true magic is always within the heart of the alchemist himself.

Article shared with the permission of the Publisher. First time published:

Author's Bio: 

Nataša Pantović MSc Economics, Published Author since 1991, Adoptive Parent, Management Consultant and Ancient Worlds Consciousness Researcher. Author of:
1. Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents,
2. Mindful Being towards Mindful Living
3. Art of 4 Elements spiritual poetry book and
4. A-Ma or Playing Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras.
5. Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams
6. Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations
7. Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings

Artof4Elements launched the AoL Mindfulness Series of 9 fiction and non-fiction books with 7 Authors focusing on ancient history, creativity and comparative religion. A series of many genres, including poetry, personal development, historical fiction, the world of ''AoL Mindfulness'' explores inner alchemy, and reaching ones highest potential.