Since 2011, the world has been witnessing a revolution of sorts with people, events and performances entering our virtual spaces in a manner never imagined. Welcome to the world of live streaming; which has made everyone take notice about it because you just cannot ignore it. So what exactly is live streaming and its importance in our lives. Let’s find out.
What is Live Streaming?
Streaming is technology that is used to deliver content -- audio as well as video -- to our computers, smart phones, laptops -- through internet. In this technology, the information is sent to receiver in a continuous manner so that they can view the video or the audio content immediately.
Live stream is when the content is transmitted in a real time and watched by recipients simultaneously.
Is it Different Than Video Downloads?
When you download a file, you store a digital copy of that content on your hard drive. But in live streaming, since the flow of data is continuous, it is not required of you to store it on your PC or laptop or smart phone. You just have to tune into the transmitters channel or page and you can watch or listen to it.
What are the requirements for Live Streaming?
You would require a device that is connected to the internet for you to access it. You also need to have a fast internet of at least 2 megabits per second to have view a video quality of a standard definition. For high-definition and ultra high definition videos to be viewed you need at least 5 mbps and 9 mbps respectively.
On Demand Content
Now a days, applications and games can be played online in real time using the live streaming technology without downloading the game or the content on your device. In some cases this lets you play the game in real time with other people connected to the same game. Thus, the future of on-demand live streaming has just started and yet to be fully explored.
Issues in Live Streaming
The issues in live happen when you are watching news , let’s say on MSNBC Live, and suddently the your internet drops, then you won’t have the content delivered to you in real time. You would have to wait until the internet connection is up. As against downloads, which would have been viewable once it is on your device, regardless of the internet.
Another issue is that of buffering. Buffer usually stores a few seconds of video while you are watching anything live, to create a seamless video. In cases of slow internet, the buffer is not able to store the temporary data in it. As a result of which the video halts in between. But now, with high speed internet connectivity almost everywhere, buffering seems to be a thing of the past.
Torsi is a professional blogger.
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