You can actually engineer your workplace environment to be more productive and to be more focused. The natural flow of that environment and the flexibility of its leader determine how engaged the people are when working there and affects the overall sustainability of the business.

The flow of the focus in the workplace environment and how the leadership and the employees act every day creates engaged productivity or disengagement and reduced performance. It’s easy to observe that some days your productive flow really works – you’re in the zone — and other days … not so much. It’s about the way the flow happens. Your environment can enhance what you are doing or throw up obstacles which threaten the future of the organization. It’s also about how liquid or fluid the leadership skills are of those in charge.

Remove the barriers to guarantee the future

It is important that the physical workplace environment is designed in such a way as to maximize cooperation, connection and engagement because the workplace environment changes the productivity and the people in it. It is just as important to remove leadership barriers to guarantee sustainability and a healthy financial future.
As a liquid or flexible leader, you can engineer your environment to be more productive and to be more focused; but what about your leadership style? Do you go with the flow, the flow of focus – or are you staunchly set in your ways, not fluid and flowing? It is through liquidity that you can maximize your efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the long-term future of your organization.

Leadership liquidity requires the following attributes

Begin by determining who you really are. Are you liquid and flexible so you can move quickly and respond in a nano-second to ever-changing needs of the employee, the client, the board of directors and the future? Use a notepad to list all of the responsibilities you participate in over a one week period. Then evaluate how flexible you are in each of those areas. Do some need your attention to become more flexible; are you starting at ground zero with others? Simply doing this exercise will alert you to how inflexible you might be. It requires great liquidity in leadership skills to get to the future you desire.

Acknowledge clutter, chaos and conflict.
In the workplace, occasional discontentment, misunderstanding and conflict are a reality. And one that needs to be addressed and resolved quickly. Unresolved conflict leads to emotional distance, disengagement and sabotages success. Acknowledging chaos and conflict shows respect for others and honors their feelings and opinions. Acknowledged employees are more engaged and will help you reach your short-term and long-term goals and objectives.

Clearly communicate your expectations.

In a business, you are all a part of the whole and each person plays a role in manifesting the future of self and of the business. Not communicating expectations causes disharmony and a lack of interest in the future of the organization. Remove barriers, reconnect with employees and clearly communicate expectations to obtain long-term commitments, which help create a stable and successful future. Make it all about them and create a sense of oneness. Connect and reconnect as often as needed to create a united force in achieving long-term future goals.

Trust is the silent partner to the future.

Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. In the workplace, trust between the leader and the employees is an imperative component for guaranteeing the future. One bad choice, one untruthful statement can lead to general difficulties, which discolor everything and result in disengagement. Fatigue, frustration and fear result in the employee feeling beat up, tired and unproductive. When you choose to lead with trust as your foundation, you’ve removed the major barrier and the workforce will respond positively and be fully engaged, helping you reach your goals and long-term sustainability.

What is your leadership liquidity quotient? Are you flexible enough to rethink the way you operate on a daily basis and how you relate to the workforce? Equally important, is your leadership liquid enough to reach your long-term growth and sustainability objectives? Take these steps and ensure a successful future for your organization.

© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2016

#sustainability #leadership #employeebarriers #workplaceconflict #resolvingconflict #communicateexpectations #trustintheworkplace

Author's Bio: 

Pat Heydlauff, a “productive environment” expert, speaker and consultant designs workplace environments that fuel focus to move beyond engagement, maximize productivity and yield future sustainability. She is author of the forthcoming eBook series, 21 Ways to Increase... Employee Engagement and published books, Feng Shui, So Easy a Child Can Do It, The Way We Go, Your Roadmap to a Better Future and Selling Your Home with a Competitive Edge. Contact her at 561-408-2708 or