Let's Share a Dream

Sharing in someone elses dream can be one of the most rewarding event in your life.

Everyone has dreams, which they wish to become a reality. Sometimes they need the appreciation, encouragement and actual input to make that dream a reality. We all do.

However always remember it is their dream not yours. Ask yourself what can you offer to enhance that dream to allow it to become a reality. Do they wish you to have an input ? Some people are very protective of their dreams so one must honour that.

Simply send out the feeling from your heart your willingness to participate. This could be simply encouragement, words of wisdom, a physical presence, or actual participation and assistance in the dream in what every way you could provide benefit. without agenda.

At all times be sensitive to the fact it is their dream, not yours. Simply jump on board and go with the flow, enjoy the moment. Enjoy the experience of someone else's world for a change.

The experience will bring so much to you in ways you would never have anticipated, the bond between you will strengthen as they begin to appreciate your encouragement, consideration and input in a way which they can accept.

At all times be sensitive to the fact it is their dream, not yours. Simply jump on board and go with the flow, enjoy the moment. Enjoy the experience of someone else's world for a change.

The experience will bring so much to you in ways you would never have anticipated. The bond of friendship and mutual respect between you will strengthen, as they begin to appreciate your encouragement, consideration and input in a way which they can accept.

I know for myself that many of my most successful projects in my life came to fruition because people close to me believed in my dreams and unselfishly helped to make them happen. I am so grateful for those people's kindness and willingness to assist. They were a catalyst to a new creation, which ended up making so many other people's dreams come true, including mine.


Michael J Robey
Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator


Author's Bio: 

Michael Robey
Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator

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