For busy families in today’s modern world, laundry areas can look more like disaster areas. During the winter, moms and dads across America stand vigilant guard by their front doors on snowy days. Their offspring are barred entry when they return home from frolicking in the snow, sent to the back door and straight to the laundry room. This may prevent water from getting tracked through the house, but it also results in an explosion of outerwear in the laundry room
Families with children who are old enough to do their own laundry can encounter even worse laundry room traffic jams. Clothes hampers get mixed up, detergents become scattered about, and there is never a good place to hang anything. No one is at fault. It’s just that when a lot of people are constantly using the same small space, it is inevitably going to become a mess in a hurry. Luckily there are many cheap, simple, and efficient ways to organize your laundry room so that even the messiest member of your family has no excuse not to keep things nice and neat. Here are a few examples.
Triple Storage Bin with Black Frame and 2.5 inch Casters
This convenient bin, with three separate and removable storage bags, is a great way to organize any number of things in the laundry room and around the house. Use it to store sporting equipment, as a hamper for dirty clothes, or for keeping all your kids’ toys in one place. It is a piece of cake to assemble and is equipped with wheels for easy mobility. It is made of a durable steel frame and has a wire frame bottom in order to keep the bags off of your floor. The whole unit measures 31.5 X 35.5 X 17.75” so there is more than enough room to separate your whites from your colors or to keep your kids’ dirty soccer uniforms far away from everything else.
Rectangular Storage Container
A bustling household can’t seem to have enough of these handy storage units. The rectangular containers are made out of canvas and are lined with a resilient water-resistant vinyl, making them perfect for damp clothes. The Flexible Krush technology, designed to accommodate over-stuffing, and strong handles also make this a great bag to pack full of towels and take to the beach. In your laundry room, your garage, or in the trunk of your car, there is no limit to the number of places you will find to utilize these handy and affordable storage containers.
Laundry Station
Keep your laundry area tidy by storing all the essentials in the same place. This steel organization station wheels around on rolling casters so you can have what you need where and when you need it. One side has two shelves that are perfect for detergent, bleach, fabric softener, or dryer sheets. Above these shelves is a small wire tray that slides out and allows for even more storage possibilities. The other side holds a spacious, removable canvas bag for clothes and sheets that are dirty or clean. All of this is topped off by a set of melamine doors, which work great for folding clothes or for pre-treating laundry. Putting all your eggs in one basket might be a bad idea, but keeping all of your laundry necessities in one place will make the room seem twice as big.
Over the Door Iron Board Holder
How many times have you dug around looking for your ironing board, only to realize you had no idea where the iron itself was? Now you can store all of your ironing needs together and out of the way with this clever device. It can be simply hung over the back of the door, or you can physically mount it to any wall using the included mounting hardware. The unit is made from heavy steel and sports a bright white epoxy finish. It has a space for your iron, as well as two bottle holders (convenient for starch or a spray bottle), and it can easily hang any “T” frame ironing board.
Commercial Laundry Cart
Just like the ones at the Laundromat, this handy cart will satisfy all of your laundry needs. It has a rod on top so you can hang your button down shirts and dress pants fresh out of the dryer and not have to waste time ironing later. The oversized laundry basket is the perfect solution for when someone else hasn’t taken their clothes out of the dryer yet and you need to use it. Be nice and fold them or just plop them in there and let them deal with it later. There is also a bottom storage shelf for detergents or other cleaning products. Have your kids moved back home after college? Buying this commercial laundry cart will let them know that a coin-operated washer and dryer set might be your next big purchase.
None of these storage solutions are going to make your life less hectic. There are still going to be errands to run, deadlines to meet, and unexpected disasters to mediate. But with these handy organization units at least one part of your house can be in order.
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