Even for guys who last a decent amount of time in bed, most men would like to know how to last longer. And not just for the sake of pleasing their lover; but simply to enjoy the cavalcade of emotional and physical remuneration that long sessions of lovemaking have to offer. Use the simple tips offered here to enable yourself to last longer bed than ever before.

Practice Makes Perfect

By practice, we mean that you should masturbate for longer periods of time. You want your masturbation sessions to be realistic to the actual deed. One easy way of ensuring this is by surrounding yourself with visually enticing materials. By doing so, you can best mimic how you can last longer bed by practicing and pacing your performance levels while solo.

Mental Tricks

There are mental tricks galore for how to last longer bed. A reasonable one includes matching your breath to your sexual strokes. Another involves thinking about your lover and your relationship instead of just sex. Yet another involves counting your strokes and every touch, a number game that tricks your mind for longer sex.

Stop and Start

Don't forget about a tried and true classic, the stop and start routine. If you feel yourself getting too close, stop for a moment and take a breather. Then resume sex when the sensation has died down a bit. This can help you last all night in bed with your lover.

Extending Foreplay

Extending foreplay is a fabulous solution for how to last longer bed. You can easily introduce role playing, sexual toys, games and longer foreplay sessions to make sex last longer. Try mutual masturbation and oral sex, too. If you can make your lover climax once before sex, it will be that much easier to get her to climax again and again during sex, and before you climax.

Natural Helpers

Don't overlook the power of helpful natural supplements to last longer bed. There are ample brands to choose from. They can help because they provide your body with key sexual nutrients that increase sexual stamina and testosterone production. Most men report fabulous results with such supplements. These supplements also come with an array of other beneficial sexual bonuses, too.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article is a member of the Beds And All team. We are experts at delivering quality furniture at affordable prices. Whether you are looking for beds for sale Midrand or you require beds for sale in other areas such as Centurion with us you can find the perfect mattress. Visit our website for more information: