I have 18 years of experience in improving and maintaining good parent-teen relationships. My role is to assist the parents and the teenagers to solve their problems in day-to-day life. I strive to become more effective in helping parents and the teens solve their personal and family issues. Youth Foundation Inc. is an effort which can help parents and teenagers create new ways to build stronger parent-child relationships.
My approach is not examing or judging. It’s all about building trust, communication and healthy relationships If you’re a parent of a troubled or misbehaved teenager, I can help you re-create and sustain your relationships with your son or daughter. We can really help you build a deep, meaningful and healthy relationship with your teenage child.

How can Youth Foundation help you?:

1. Learn to build an environment that creates mutual respect
in the family
2. Stress reduction techniques for the parents and teens
3. Practical plans and tools that can be applied any time
4. Rebuild your relationship with your teen
5. Have peace & harmony in the family

There can be power-struggles or misunderstandings which can create havoc in your relationships. I share the effective methodologies with the parents of the teens. With years of experience, I’ve seen teens coming back and reconnecting with their parents. I admit that I have seen miracles. I can offer you the potent power tool to see the changes in your teenage child.

Today, I share my expertise with the families and teens to help them have their peace of mind. My main aim is to see parents and children happy.

Author's Bio: 

Jade Robinson's Youth Foundation Inc. (YFI) is one of the important initiative he has taken to help struggling teens & their families, in his entire career and 18 Years of experience as Parenting Teen Coach. With YFI, he helps teenagers to thrive in their daily lives at school and home, by addressing the real issues.