Do you ever find yourself wondering: why did I do that? Something which produced such an unfavorable outcome that you feel a bit stupid? Why do we do such things?
Are your thought processes so confused that you can't tell good consequences from bad ones? Or don't you know how to think things through in the first place? No, it's neither of these, it's self-sabotage!
Your selfsabotage mechanism
You, me, and everyone else has a selfsabotage mechanism (ssm), an inbuilt part of your makeup. Its job is to bring you undesirable circumstances, since only by knowing each and every side of the story can you really know a situation. Without the ssm you'd only choose attractive consequences. So it's not wrong - although discovering how to avoid self-sabotage is definitely worth-while!
The mind presents you with a non-stop continual stream of thoughts. A serious dilemma is that some thoughts are true, yet some are not! Many random, everyday thoughts come from the ssm, they're designed to prevent progress, to keep you where you are.
Who runs your life?
You may think you control all your thoughts, but the ssm tries to hijack them on an ongoing basis. When the ssm gives you a thought, who decides whether you think it or not? If the answer is not crystal clear then consider: Does your body decide where to go? Or do you decide, and your body does your bidding?
Thoughts from the ssm include I'll do it later, and who cares what they think.
When the ssm decides what you think, you give it power. When you choose, then your energy gives you power! Change your life by deciding which make stronger.
Are you gullible?
When someone tells you something, do you always believe it? Or do you take it with a pinch of salt? Just as with other people, it's important to investigate what the mind tells you. Ask yourself which thoughts might be true, and which ones are not. Don't be gullible.
If you've ever said that it seemed like a good idea at the time, then you know you've followed through on an untrue thought. Such practical experience proves that the hijacked mind gives you untruths.
But if the mind can give you an untrue thought once, then you have proof that it can and does lie. Now you don't just know about this, you really know! Although the ssm will not want you to see the truth of this conclusion, you know this experientially. Once you've investigated this seriously, then you won't have a shadow of doubt.
Have fun discovering how to stop your hijacked mind from self-sabotage.
© Copyright worldwide Cris Baker, All rights reserved. Republishing welcomed under Creative Commons noncommercial no derivatives license preserving all links intact, so please +1 and share this widely!
Food for Thought
"The [selfsabotage mechanism] is aligned with being "right," whether being "right' means being in agreement with wisdom or rejecting it as invalid."
- Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. Psychiatrist, author of Truth vs Falsehood
Cris Baker has much practice in overcoming adversity, he's been screwing things up for years! Why suffer the consequences of your own mistakes? Now you can benefit from real knowledge, crucial know-how gained from his vast experience with extensive pain and suffering!
You'll find enormous joy in overcoming your self-sabotage; check out context at Life Strategies to discover how to change your life!
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