While the world is in a total state of conflict and chaos, your inner world can be calm and centered. Sounds too good to be true? It is time to recognize that the immense changes that we as a species along with our planet are going through is nothing less than a total transformation, from the inside out.

This is where change always takes place first, from within the hearts and minds of humanity, not the other way around. Our outer world is collapsing because there are enough people that feel that it no longer serves us in its old form. One world falls as another emerges. This is our defining moment, when we can effect real change, one person at a time.

When you, as an individual, turn away from the drama of the chaos, and turn inward, you can find the peace and serenity within. Whether you choose to meditate, or simply sit under a tree and contemplate your navel; that is where you will discover that peace that is always within. In doing this, each of us begin the quiet revolution of the heart and start to live from that place, instead of the mind.

You need no guns, riots and demonstrations, or yet another new war on the secret government, bankers or whatever ‘cause’ you want to ‘fight against.’ It is time to drop your anger and resistance to whomever and whatever perceived ‘wrong’ you have wanted to fight against, and simply begin to live simply. Therein lie the answers to all conflict, and where the quiet revolution begins.

Withdraw your energy from all resistance-focused organizations, and gather instead into groups where your minds and hearts work together to find lasting solutions, and community where you live. Find the people that need the most help, and start there, as out of desperation comes true genius.

It is this ignoring of the outer chaos, confusion and calamity that you will find true Bliss. The answers, the solutions to your greatest problems lie within each and every one of your hearts, so think as to what you as an individual can bring to the table to help create not only a better world, but Heaven on Earth.

Heaven on Earth. That saying has been around for a very long time, and resonates deep within each of your hearts for a reason. You long for the lost Garden of whence you came, and it is again within your grasp. Start to recreate the new Garden by going into your Hearts and feeling the peace, the serenity and the beauty that can be again, it is only for you to choose now, and yes, it is that simple.

Author's Bio: 

Rebecca Cherry is the Founder of Tickled Pink Productions, Workshop & Retreat Leader and ‘Isabella & The Faeries’ Author. As the creator of the RE-Emergence of the Divine Feminine Courses & Workshops, Cherry is a leading expert on topics of living a life full of Passion and Abundance Creation.

Born highly intuitive, and with a knowing acceptance of all people, Rebecca grew up enjoying a close connection to Mother Earth and Nature. At the age of 15, she began studying a wide range of esoteric subjects, and by the age of twenty had expanded her focus to include studying The Science of the Subconscious Mind, taught by a Professor at the UCLA Brain Institute, The Course of Miracles, Past Life Regression Therapy, Meditation, Iridology, Reflexology and a variety of Energetic Healing modalities.

Rebecca studied under three Master Intuitive Teachers both in Los Angeles and New York, further fine-tuning her intuitive talents and energetic healing abilities. She continued over the years to compliment her expanding view of the healing arts through continued study and integration of the Akashic Records, Western Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Feng Shui, Crystal and Gem Therapy, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Amino Acid Therapy and Nutritionally-based cleansing health and techniques.

Rebecca’s innate intuitive and healing abilities, extensive knowledge and combined expertise create a cohesive and unique new system she calls Integrated Energetics. She offers an extensive menu of Akashic Record readings, Energetic Clearing and Balancing techniques, and working with reprogramming the subconscious mind with supportive beliefs that are in alignment with your Heart’s desire.

Her comprehensive and gentle approach offers the divinely inspired guidance to assist others in transforming their lives into the one they not only desire, but also the one they are divinely destined to live.

Website: www.pinklight.org

Blog: http://tickledpink.pinklight.org/

Contact Rebecca: rcherry@pinklight.org

Published Articles: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Rebecca_Cherry

Favorite Subjects: Mother Earth, Nature, The Universe

Personal Motto: Dream Big, Dream Often and don’t let go until you are living it!