Do you ever notice the hurried pace with which people do everything nowadays? Take a look around you. Maybe you’re one of those people.

In the mornings, especially, I’ve noticed that no one gives themselves enough time. This creates a sense of urgency to get ready and leave the house for work, school, the babysitter’s, etc. The results are a mad rush getting dressed, making lunches, getting material out for work, or school, etc. The whole scene might as well be a cardio class based on the speed at which everyone is moving. People walk, no . . . rush, from room to room. Even saying goodbye has become a quick peck on the cheek, and a mumbled, “Love you.”

I see people on the streets, driving fast, making quick lane changes, and running red lights, risking an accident, to get "somewhere,” fast. I wonder where they have to be in such a hurry. I doubt they're brain surgeons having to get to the hospital in time for a transplant before the organ goes bad.

I watch people eating standing up, gobbling down their food, and rushing their kids to school.

I see that life has turned into a big game of rushing. How good can this be?

I say not good.

It's time to slow everything down. How much time are we really saving by rushing so much? Isn't that when accidents generally happen? Unless you have to win the race in a marathon, going fast doesn't really do anything for you. Even then, isn’t it better to pace yourself?

You deserve to feel some peace. Your body and mind deserve a little extra time to get into life in the mornings. Call it a warm up, if you will.

Learn to give yourself enough time so that you don't have to rush. See if that makes a difference in the way you feel. See if you don't feel calmer, more open to opportunities that may be coming your way.

When you're not harried, you can really see, hear.

Work on slowing down this week and see what happens.

Author's Bio: 

Rossana Snee is a Marriage & Family Therapist. She has worked with individuals, couples, and families. Her present focus, however, is working with young women in their 20s, specifically 21 - 26. She facilitates a monthly group called An Afternoon With Josh's Mom, whereby she guides, empowers, and promotes self-love. Her goal is to provide these young women with the guidance to make decisions in their best interest.

Visit her at,, and Twitter (@askjoshsmom). She endeavors to inspire and motivate, and to be a springboard for her reader's self-growth.