Learning how to win people over is like learning how to swim. It might feel a little odd at first, dipping your toes into the world of flattery and pleasantry; but you’ll eventually get the hang of it. And when you do, you’ll be able to swim your way through anything!
Being a necessary skill to have in life, knowing how to win people over can secure a lot of things for you. Read on to find out just how you can do just that.
Tip # 1: It’s All About the Other Person.
People love to talk about themselves. And that includes you! However, learning how to win people over means you have to curb your mouth.
You might be itching to talk about your achievements in life; but in this game, you need to get other people talking about their own accomplishments and interests. Encourage people to share more about their life.
But don’t just pretend to listen. Show genuine interest and make sincere comments. Do this as perfectly as you can and I guarantee you that by the end of your conversation, they will have a better opinion of you.
Tip # 2: Be on Their Side.
If you want to learn how to win people over, stay on their good side. That means no criticism or complaints about a person’s appearance, principles, work ethics, etc.
If you’re still in the initial stages of building rapport or trust, you two have not yet reached a point where your negative opinion can be taken with a grain of salt. At this point, you can’t afford to jeopardize your relationship with the other individual. Not just yet.
If you can’t keep your thoughts to yourself, at least do your best to avoid starting an argument.
Tip # 3: Say Their Name.
A person’s name is probably the sweetest word in his vocabulary; and yet a lot of people take names for granted.
Even if it’s just a waiter or a waitress, calling them by their name gives you brownie points. You might be a hot shot corporate executive earning ten times more than a waiter would ever make in a year; but if you’re courteous to that person and if you acknowledge his name, you’ll always be remembered as that nice customer.
And the next time you return to that restaurant, that waiter is going to make sure you get all the good stuff and that you’re well taken care of. Respect garners respect.
Learning how to win people over is one of the most important lessons you’ll ever study in life. Use it wisely.
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