High interest rates can really damage your financial position! It's so easy to end up in constant debt because of interest applied by your financial institutions and other organizations.
Fortunately for you, it's fairly easy to avoid interest in most cases, as it essentially relies on your financial decisions and how quickly you make them.
You can avoid interest by trying some of these ideas in everyday financial affairs:
1. Pay that car loan on time! If you got your car loan through any regular financial institution, there's surely going to be fees on making late payments. Often, late fees are added to the remaining loan balance, and that boosts your monthly payment even more. The best way to steer clear of scenarios like this is to pay your car loan on time.
* Needless to say, this good advice works for any other loan you might have, including your mortgage.
* Financial institutions will almost always apply late fees and charges to delinquent accounts, so you never want to be in that position.
2. Do your best to avoid going over your limit on your credit cards. It'll certainly be a liability to you if you have credit cards and don't know how to manage them.
* Bad things happen when you go over your limits.
* late fees added by financial institutions can be "ginormous" and really push you into further deep debt. Whatever you do, avoid those fees as you work to become debt-free.
3. Consider the option of automatic deductions to make your payments. Old habits sometimes die hard, and a lot of people still like to make regular monthly payments by writing checks rather than have them automatically deducted from bank accounts. However, it makes more sense to do automatic deductions because:
* Using automated payments will illuminate the possibility of missed or late payments, eliminating the possibility of late fees.
* Automatic deductions make sure your payments are made on a specific date each month. As long as you have money in your account to cover that payment, you'll be sure the payment will be made on time, and there won't be any late fees, or added interest.
4. Try to avoid credit; simply use cash. With credit there's inevitable interest unless you pay the total due every time you get a bill. Honestly, it really is just that simple. Avoiding credit means avoiding interest! So if at all possible pay with cash for as many transactions as you can, even big transactions.
What To Do When You're Finally Debt Free
some more good advice: once you're out of debt, do your best to stay that way Of course it'll take a little work, but it's something that's definitely doable.
These tips and strategies will certainly help you from piling on additional debt and interest;
* Time to cut up, or return, all but a few of your credit cards. Keeping some open and active will enable you to build a higher credit score for future loans, like a mortgage loan.
* Sure, you can use cards from time to time but have the cash on hand to pay off the total amount you charge before that first payment is due.
* The best idea is to pay off your debts as soon as you create them to avoid interest whenever possible.
* build up your savings account enough to handle emergency cash needs.
Adhering to these simple, easy tips should make it easier for you to prevent getting into debt and maintaining control of any debt you do have.
So there you have it - easy ways you can avoid interest being applied to your day-to-day expenditures. By using these tips, you'll significantly lessen the chance of being exposed to the burdens brought about by debt.
From Bill Sklodowski, Managing Editor of PersonalFinanceClub.net. Bill is a writer and seminar leader who offers help for individuals, families and small business owners with all sorts of money management, saving and investing advice. For more helpful information, cool freebies and a monthly newsletter jammed with money-saving tips and tricks, visit Personal Finance Club.
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