How To Quadruple Your Website Conversion Rate

Higher website conversion rate crucial as it is the final step in the long sales/marketing process, converting as many people on the website will not only improve the ROI of your campaign but will also ascertain that you are targeting the right traffic to your website interested in the product/service you are offering.

Getting good traffic on your website but no one is taking any action?
Bounce rate on your website is increasing?
People abandoning the shopping cart too often?
Are you not sure about which design or copy elements to use on your web/landing page?
Here are 10 of the best ways to increase the conversion rate of your website.

Make your offer valuable

No matter how well your website is set up, if the offer that you are providing isn’t appealing to page visitors, it won’t do very well.

Incorporate multimedia

When you use multimedia like audio/video the right way, it can be one of the best techniques to increase the conversion rate of your website.

Conversion rate optimisation

Use clean and simple layout

Simplifying your layout will go a long way to help drive your visitors towards the desired action.

Be concise

You should try to tell your page visitors exactly what your offer is in as few words as possible.

Don’t distract your visitors

Many websites make the mistake of providing multiple offers on a single page.

Include the important elements above the fold

It refers to placing important page information above the bottom of the browser window

Use strong headers

Your headers are what draw the attention of visitors on the website and make them pay attention. It also helps to guide visitors to where you may want them to look next.

Decrease your load times

The longer your webpage takes to load, the less likely it is that your visitors will stay on it.

Make it shareable

Allow people to share your pages on social networks and you can increase the traffic you get.

Add client testimonials

Testimonials are hugely important for building trust.

Therefore, CRO is a process of increasing the percentage of visitors to a website into customers.

Conversion Rate OptimisationCROWebsite Conversion Rate

Author's Bio: 

Ricky is the Founder and Digital Marketing Strategist at Absoltz Internet Marketing, a Young, Fresh & Premier full-service Digital Marketing agency with clients across Australia.