Many people misuse their mind power during and after a divorce. Instead of using their minds to help them build better lives, they create stress for themselves, essentially destroying their own happiness and imprisoning themselves in pain, anger, and depression. If you're ready to release yourself from the prison of stress caused by your divorce, read on. With some effort, you can make changes in your life, and reduce your stress level.

One way that many people cause themselves stress is through procrastination. We often have the attitude that we have to do things we don't want to do. For example, you might have to go to work to get the bills paid, or have to go to the grocery store to buy food for your family. We get caught up in these daily life requirements and forget the deeper reasons that we do what we do. As a result, we rebel against ourselves. We do things slowly, at the last minute or not at all.

Procrastination leads to stress. You end up rushing through things you should have done hours or days ago. If you didn't do what you were supposed to when you were supposed to do it, you might also increase your financial stress, or put strain on your relationships because you let someone down.

The key to ending procrastination is remembering that all of your actions are freely chosen. You aren't forced to do most things, even if you feel like you are. For example, you have to do something to earn a living, but if you really hate your job you can always look for a different one. So if you're unhappy about the things you have to do, don't rebel. Ask yourself if you really need to do something. If you do, then ask yourself why you want to do it. For example, perhaps you want to finish a work report early so you can impress your boss, or to help qualify for a promotion to a job you'd like better. Once you remember why you are choosing to do something, it makes it easier to do it.

Addiction is another serious problem that can cause stress. Contrary to popular belief, everybody has addictions. You might not be addicted to drugs or alcohol, but chances are you can't live without your favorite television shows, or your daily dose of Facebook. These kinds of addictions are harmless as long as you don't overindulge and cause yourself to procrastinate when you should be doing something else. However, some people are addicted to anger, depression, or other negative emotional states. If this is the case, you really need to look at what's going on that's causing you to want to stress yourself out.

Dealing with addictions is complicated, and often requires the help of a therapist or life coach. Negative addictions are usually an attempt to numb yourself to painful feelings that you don't feel equipped to deal with. A mental health professional can help you uncover the feelings behind your addictions, and deal with them so that you can move forward in your life rather than being chained to negative behavior.

If you feel like you've been taken prisoner by stress, and maybe more so since your divorce, the good news is that you can escape more easily than you thought. To reduce your stress levels, you need to change the way you think. Behavioral changes that allow you to live a less stressful life will automatically follow.

Are you ready to move on from your divorce? If so, Lose the Stress After a Midlife Divorce, is a Better Beyond™ guide filled with useful strategies to transform your life right now. This information packed eBook and a surprise gift is yours FREE just for visiting

Author's Bio: 

Diane Adkins is a certified life coach, certified neuro-linguistic practitioner, and owner of Better Beyond™ Coaching Solutions, and has dedicated her life to being a Midlife Divorce Recovery Specialist helping women to start living the life they deserve after a midlife divorce.