How do You Pray? 
by Susun Weed
mentor at the Wise Woman University
Plus Ode to Susun – Her Favorite Weeds by Joy-Prem

My Prayer       
c. 2011, Susun S. Weed 
High Priestess of the Goddess, Peace Elder, Shield Sister


My prayer is a snowflake blown by the wind.

My prayer is a flower buzzed by the bees.

My prayer is a bear eating raspberries.

My prayer is an oak tree struck by lightning.


My prayer rolls in on a wave.

My prayer bursts forth as lava.

My prayer burns in the heart.

My prayer is a wordless song.


My prayer is an old woman knitting.

My prayer is a child swinging high.

My prayer is a martial art.

My prayer is performance art.


My prayer sinks into the Earth.

My prayer walks in Beauty.

My prayer is Many.

My prayer is One.


My prayer is for Peace.

My prayer is for an end to suffering.

My prayer leaps like a salmon.

My prayer sits zazen.


            My prayer is quilted.

            My prayer is piebald.

            My prayer is albino.

            My prayer is ebony.

            My prayer is turquoise.

            My prayer is diamond.


            My prayer is a mantra.

            My prayer is a sutra.

            My prayer is a Mass in Latin.

            My prayer is sung from a tower.


            My prayer echoes the holiest sound.

My prayer dances the world into being.

My prayer goes on walk-about.

My prayer is a vision quest gift.


My prayer came to me at dawn.

My prayer will not speak to me.

My prayer is the starry sky.

My prayer is a dewdrop.


My prayer is bound

My prayer is in freedom.

My prayer laughs at itself.

My prayer accepts chaos.


My prayer is in praise.

My prayer is in gratitude.

My prayer is in bliss.

My prayer is in pain.


My prayer is in my breath.

My prayer is in my pocket.

My prayer is in your hands.

My prayer is the smoke spiraling.


Goddesses, Grandmothers, Spirit Sisters, Ancient Ones,

May it be pleasing to you.


Blessed be.

Om Shanti.

Hare Krishna.

Sat Nam.

                Hail Mary.

                                For All My Relations.


Dear Susun Weed,

This poem is a small token of gratitude to thank you for the wisdom that you so generously share, for your inspiring love of plants and herbs, and for your wonderful website – such great source of knowledge and healing.

A green, healthy, delightful, and fulfilling 2011 to you and your team.


AND HER FAVORITE WEEDS                                                             

Sweet sisters, precious among all herbs, humble and

Unseen, yet your wisdom comforts and heals.  You are our

Silent weavers of radiant health!  For good blood – Yellow Dock.               

United for a strong liver: Dandelion and Burdock, always at work!

Need a safe tonic? We remember the flower! Honeysuckle or Red Clover

We love you all, it’s that simple!   At any time, to cure our ills                                        

Enters Plantain, panacea of folk medicine, or ­Violet’s leaves.

Enjoy in Susun’s archives, stories and recipes of those splendid weeds,             

Dedicated allies to health and vitality – The Great Mother’s gift to us all. 


                                                                             We thank thee,

                                                                                                The people 



New York

Author's Bio: 

Susun Weed, Copyright 2012

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Susun Weed, green witch and wise woman, is an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopaedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the voice of the Wise Woman Way, where common weeds, simple ceremony, and compassionate listening support and nourish health/wholeness/holiness. She has opened hearts to the magic and medicine of the green nations for three decades. Ms. Weed's four herbal medicine books focus on women's health topics including: menopause, childbearing, and breast health.

Visit Susun’s site for information on her workshops, apprenticeships, correspondence courses and more!

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