When you become trained as a healer, usually you do not get an operating manual about how to create your practice. But I really encourage all healers and people interested in pursuing a healing or teaching or world service role to create a vision statement or business plan or statement of intent.

I talk a lot about healing because that is what I know the best but I suspect the same principles apply to any type of business. The most obvious issue is how do you intend to serve others? What types of healing work or activities will you perform. What type of healing gifts you have is also important. Do you like working hands on with clients or transmitting healing energies to them from a distance.

Everything I do I created for myself to begin with. I became a healer after ten years of being on the spiritual path and my focus then as it is now is to get as clear and healthy as I can. So my focus has always been on developing tools to help me to create a life that works and supports me. After I created things that helped me, I then realize that a lot of people out there like me could benefit from them as well and that is what I have always provided to other people.

The other big question really is to identify who is your target audience or who are the people who can most benefit from what you have to offer and where are they located. Many healers – especially massage and body workers – are based locally and often there audience is defined by the geographic location they are located in. Other healers focus nationally and other healers focus internationally. Healers who focus on the national and international levels will most likely have a web site that attracts people to them and often people bringing in new healing modalities and spiritual teachers will operate at the international level.

I always knew that I was supposed to work with a lot of people from around the world and that the Internet would become the way I would reach folks. My focus has always been international and to date I have trained healers in over sixteen countries and have clients in many more countries.

The other thing to think about is how personal or impersonal is your healing practice going to be. Some healers like to work very closely with a few clients and others like to work more impersonally with lots of other clients. My preference is to develop blog posts, videos, web sites, healing images, books and audio recordings to help a lot of people around the world so I adopted a less personal approach to working with clients than many others choose to do so. I try to spend as much time on world service projects as I do working directly with clients. And I chose this approach because I love to create new things and bring in new frequencies to this world. This is my passion in life and what I choose to create.

I encourage each person to develop a one sentence statement or vision of how they want to serve. The real issue is how can you serve others in the most joyous possible way for yourself?

Mine would be: I want to create beauty and help others. What is yours?

Recommended Resources:

One book that really helped me to understand the importance of setting your intent around who you want to attract to your area of world service was BEE-ing Attraction: What Love Has to Do with Business and Marketing. I find when I work with clients that many people do not know what their passion is so I often recommend The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose.

Author's Bio: 

Bill Austin is an energy healing facilitator, spiritual teacher, artist, writer and visionary living in St Petersburg, Florida in the United States. Bill specializes in distance healing and is the founder of several Reiki and other energy healing modalities. He has trained healers in over sixteen countries and has helped people from all over the world to heal, grow, expand and to realize more of their full potential. Bill infuses healing and enlightenment energies into healing art images and has created a line of self help books. You can click on this link to download a free healing ebook called: Vibrational Color Healing Art.