If You Have a Home Based Business, a small part of the equation is deciding which one you want to be in. Success is a larger part. Getting traffic to your opportunity can be difficult.. All though there are many ways to promote a Home Based Business, it can be very expensive..

A free is a great way to promote your Home Based Business. Everyone loves free stuff. There are a lot of ebooks out there filled with content that is related to just about anything you might want. Informational Videos are great way to get attention. Make sure you find something that is relevant to your business and hopefully a bit different then what other marketers in you group are using. A Lot of times if you find something relevant you can contact the author and request his permission to use it. Offer to leave his links in it and most the time they will agree. Now that you have something to offer for free you have one piece of the puzzle. To give it away you still need to have traffic to take you up on your offer.

Start submitting you site to search engines, free classified and directories this will get you a little traffic but not enough to make a difference. Some people resort to buying email list. I don’t believe this is a good idea and may lead to you getting busted for spam and that is not what you want.
The idea is to get your offer in front of as many people as possible.

I have found that the best tool to get this done is Viral Host. They offer a Program for free with a lot benefits. You will be able to email one thousand members every five days and it is free. Free Hosting, website builders and a lot more. The guys over at Viral Host offer some upgrades that allow you to send up to six thousand emails every three days. That is a total of 60,000 emails a month, this can generate some very generate very serious traffic. I highly recommend becoming an elite member just for that reason alone, But there are a lot of other benefits to an elite member. However, it is your decision. This is just one of the many free ways to generate traffic for your Home Based Business. I’ll be going over more at a future date. Always keep in mind, traffic equals sales, the more traffic you can generate, Well you can figure that out.
Viral Host

Thank you and God Bless
Mike Ellis, Learn to Earn

Author's Bio: 

As A Struggling Internet Marketer I teamed with some of the biggest names in the field I'am privledged to be a contributing member of one of the top marketing tools on the market today. Over the years, I have experiences many pitfalls and spent lots of time and money on stuff that just does not work. Because of this I am dedicated to helping others starting out in marketing to avoid some costly mistakes.