Having high self esteem means already knowing one is responsible for one’s life. It is this profound knowing that allows one to create a life worth living or another way to say it, to know who we are and to follow one’s bliss!

It also means the days of being a victim of one’s circumstances are over. We keep our personal power and use it lovingly in the creation of our lives.

It doesn’t mean we never feel like a victim. It does mean we feel more powerful most of the time.

The times we do feel like a victim of our circumstances are few and far between and we get back to high self esteem a lot quicker. How do we do this? By taking responsibility for our victim state of mind.

This is the place to get to. This is the end result of all the hard work, perseverance and determination in making all those changes. From low self esteem to high self esteem is the journey. Once we reach high esteem the real dance can begin. This is where we actively focus on and create our lives.

8 Key Points Of High Self Esteem.

1. We now focus on our lives rather than complain or compare ourselves to others.
2. Life becomes a creation rather than a reaction.
3. We have more of what we really want.
4. We leave toxic relationships behind.
5. New healthy relationships enter our lives.
6. Our body image improves.
7. Life becomes easier rather than a struggle.
8. We become more solution focused.

We now focus on our lives rather than complain or compare ourselves to others.

• In low self esteem we complained and compared ourselves to others. When we don’t feel good about who we are, we generally don’t like how we feel. It then becomes easier to complain about how life is not working. We also compare ourselves to others or get caught up in gossip, so we don’t have to take responsibility for having our lives work.

• With high self esteem the focus is now on ourselves and discovering how we can be a better person. We don’t have time or even the desire to complain (at least not as much as before), or even compare ourselves to others.

Life becomes a creation rather than a reaction.

• In the “clutches” of low self esteem, most of our lives, is a reaction. We react to our thoughts, our feelings, what people are saying about us or not about us. We react and blame a lot of the time.

When we have high self esteem, life now becomes a creation, because we know we are responsible for our own life. We take ownership of our life. This is where we take action on behalf of ourselves. This is where we stand up for ourselves and what we want out of life.

We have more of what we really want.

• In low self esteem, we are pretty clear about what we don’t want. Ask us what do we want, and we generally scratch our heads.

In high self esteem life becomes all about what we want. We focus more on what we want rather than on what we don’t want. Because we focus on what we want, we take action in this area, and the results speak for themselves. More action equals more of what we want.

We leave toxic relationships behind.

• It becomes almost painful, to continue to hang on to toxic relationships. When I stopped saving women, the women who were used to being saved by me, moved out of my life.

New healthy relationships enter our lives.

• Nature abhors a vacuum. No toxic relationships any more, time for something new. Enter, healthy relationships. Now that we are feeling better about who we are and what we want out of life, our focus has changed. With this change of focus comes new beginnings.

Our body image improves.

• With feelings of worthiness within us, we take care of ourselves better. We honor the life we have been given, rather than disrespect ourselves. We work on our bodies because if we don’t where are we going to live?!!

Life becomes easier, rather than a struggle.

• When we give up all the struggling to get better, and just get better, life does get easier.

We become more solution focused.

• Rather than focusing on our problems, we focus on the solutions to our problems.
High self esteem is the place to get to. It is the jumping off board to the rest of our lives. Lives filled with happiness, health and success.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, my name is Dave Abbott. I have done 15 years of personal growth work to raise my esteem to achieve high self esteem. I know myself very well and am doing what I love. There are days when my ego mind is loud. I now have the skills to love my ego mind into submission.

I am committed to supporting you in knowing yourself and in doing what you love!