A lot of you might end up paying valuable dollars for a service that you only remember that exists when it appears on your bill at the end of every month.
Paying a lot of money for services that you don’t use is not only annoying, they are also a constant drain on your wallet.
On the other hand, you could be saving lots of money if you simply paid the cash up front.
Most companies want their customers to stay with them for the long-term. When you buy a year-long subscription, they guarantee that you stay with them and get cash to grow their business.
That’s why it’s in their favor to give you a large annual discount to make you become a long-term customer.
However, this is not necessarily just a cheap trick to hook you in. There are also real benefits for you as a customer in that transaction.
You get a strong incentive to take full advantage of your membership by using more of its features a lot more frequently to get the most value.
You familiarize yourself with the product or service much better and then decide if you really need it when the time comes around for renewal.
The additional benefits do not end there. Without any more monthly subscription fees, you free up additional cash in your monthly budget.
You can invest this cash, use for education or other personal development. When you simply pay everything up front instead of paying in small pieces at the end of every month, you get an extra emergency cushion of monthly cash.
Your extra cash can also be spent toward reducing your other existing debt. Paying your debt has immense benefits on improving your credit score by reducing the total amount of loans.
You aggregate your credit repayment power with other consumers and realize additional discounts beyond what you could achieve alone.
You also get a great peace of mind. Having debts is not fun and for some people it can be quite stressful.
If you’re sick of monthly payments, then you can’t simply put a price on the happiness that you get from not seeing additional expenses pile up until the end of the year.
Without subscription payments, you simply have a much lower cost of living. You can save more, work less, or take that dream job you always wanted but couldn’t afford because of the lower salary.
Of course, you can contact your company directly and try to get a discount for prepayment.
But you will be losing the benefits which come from consolidation with the other consumers.
Plus, you will be wasting valuable time to find your way through the right department and decision maker within the company and negotiate through the process.
I found this platform called Ubund.co that offers a direct interface where the consumers can come together to increase their bargaining power to gain large discounts in bulk for consolidated amounts.
Use a platform to repay your liabilities, benefit from consolidation power, and save valuable time.
Cem Vardar has recently started wading the waters of personal finance and the fin-tech industry. I want to increase awareness on personal finance topics and help people get out of debt. Please check out my organization that's committed to helping people gain financial power and control over their lives through education and community-building: https://www.ubund.co/how-consumers-join-forces/?ubmid=57
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