There are many species of mint belonging to the Genus Mentha of the Lamiaceae family.
All mints have a pleasant aroma, though some may be considered overly pungent. Mint is perennial in habit and is typically cut back hard at the end of its growing season. Mints are known to enjoy wet growing seasons and moist soils. Despite this they can do well in varied climatic conditions.
Mint can be propagated by seed, though not often. It is more likely done through division of underground rhizomes. It can reach just a few Centimetres to over a metre in height depending on the species. Its potential to overtake other plants in a garden bed is good reason to plant it on its own with a defined garden edging. Growing mint in large pots is also common, though it will need to be cut back and divided periodically.
The three most popular varieties of Mints are Spearmint, Peppermint and Apple mint. Historically Peppermint and Spearmint were the most common.
Mint grown in the garden is usually harvested as required. It can be harvested and frozen or dried for storage. This would likely happen if mint is being re-potted or cut back in clean-ups. Mint can also be purchased dry in bags or bottles and can be used in the same manner as fresh mint.
It is common to see mint grown as companion plants due to its ability to naturally repel insects. Mint Sprays can also be made to spray over foliage as a natural pesticide.
Along with the many benefits of using mint in cooking are its many health benefits.
- Mint not only flavours food, it can also aid in the digestion of it. Mint stimulates salivary glands and glands secreting enzymes that aid in digestion.
- Mint can aid in relieving coughs and respiratory problems. It may also aid in relieving symptoms of Asthma and bronchitis. An excess of mint may also deliver an irritating effect or may worsen symptoms. An excess consumption of mint may lead to panic attacks as a result of respiratory distress.
- Mint may assist in the relief of headaches and a feeling of nausea. The smell of mint oil may aid the symptoms of nausea on its own.
- Mint oil is also recognised as an antiseptic and can be found in natural treatments for Acne and other skin conditions. Mint soothes and purifies damaged skin.
- Mint is germicidal and can assist with eliminating bad breath. The result of this is cleaner, whiter teeth and a less pungent mouth odour.
Mint is one of those herbs that should find a place in every home garden or balcony.
Eric J. Smith is an Experienced Horticulturalist with a keen interest in Organic Gardening. Eric's interest in Organics also shows in his interest in Organic Nutrition and Organic Skincare. More information can be found on these by visiting his websites... for Organic Health related products and information on living an Organic Lifestyle. for general health information and articles on living a Healthy Lifestyle.
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