New surveys of recent graduates show that most are apprehensive about their job prospects. A majority feel that they may not find a job, and many are worried that they may not get employment in their chosen field. In fact, many are looking at a prolonged wait for financial independence. Uncertainty about the fate of health reform is another major concern among these young people. However, even with all these doubts in the air, going without coverage is not advisable. Affordable individual health insurance in Kentucky is available. If you are a recent Kentucky college graduate, going by the following tips can help you stay covered.
• Health reform law now allows children to stay on a parent’s health insurance plan until age 26. If you are healthy, it may not cost much to keep you on your parent’s plan. You can even contribute a share of the premium if you manage to find a job – while you wait for employer coverage to begin.
• Short-term health insurance is a good option. Low-cost, high-deductible, short-term plans offer coverage from 30 days to a year. Though they do not cover pre-existing conditions or preventive care, you would get coverage for a sudden or unexpected hospitalization.
• If you are uninsured for six months or longer, you may be eligible for coverage in the state’s high-risk pool. The pool is meant to bridge the gap till a health insurance exchange is established in 2014.
In a recent survey, most recent graduates reported that their first employer did not provide them with a health insurance plan. If this is the case, you should definitely check out the affordable individual health insurance plans that leading health insurance Kentucky companies offer.
Be Aware
It helps a lot to be educated about Kentucky health insurance and any recent happenings and how they will affect you.
• Remember that, by 2014, you may be required to purchase health insurance on your own through a health exchange.
• Budget for health insurance – you should not go without it. You should be aware about the various items that count towards the cost of your policy.
• Look into whether it is cheaper for you to purchase a Kentucky individual health insurance policy of your own, or to stay on your parent’s plan.
• Educate yourself to understand health insurance terms.
In order to make the best decision for you, get professional guidance on all of the above from an experienced, licensed Kentucky health insurance broker who can find affordable coverage for you.
One Source Benefits is one for the most comprehensive website to get affordable Kentucky health insurance. Get instant free quotes and choose the right health insurance Kentucky plan without pressure.
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