Does this sound familiar? You hear a recording of your voice and you cringe? Perhaps you are embarrassed. Well, you are not alone. Most people do not recognize what they hear on the recording because it does not sound like the voice they hear in their head.
Unfortunately, the voice on the recording equipment is exactly how you sound to everyone else.
Fortunately, you have a better voice in side of you. It is deeper in pitch and more mature in quality. Not old-sounding – not young-sounding – ageless. It is neither too soft in volume nor too loud. And, once you discover it and make it a habit, you will find that it continues to improve as you age.
One of the marvelous things about your real or true voice is that it is easier to produce than your habitual voice which means it is easier on your throat and vocal cords. Most people push their sound from these two areas which can result in vocal abuse. This is very common with teachers, trainers, coaches, politicians, professional speakers, clergy, and even sports enthusiasts.
The difference between your habitual and real voice is the manner in which you place your sound. With the latter, you use your chest cavity to power and amplify voiced sound. Are you currently using your chest in this capacity? It is not likely. 99% of the population do not use their chest (the largest of your vocal resonators) when speaking.
The voice which makes use of the chest cavity has good resonance which is the intensification and enrichment of voiced sound by means of your 5 resonators: the chest, throat, voice box, mouth and nasal cavities. If you have excessive nasality in your voice, for example, you will hear more nasal resonance. If your voice is stuck in your throat, on the other hand, then your sound will have more throat resonance.
When you use the chest, your voice will have a richer, warmer quality because of the vibrations occurring in that huge cavity. You will also be able to increase your volume without yelling or shouting.
Voices which are being powered by the chest cavity sound like that of James Earl Jones, Dennis Haysbert, Kate Beckinsale, George Clooney, Dianne Sawyer, Cher, and Sean Connery.
Yes, you have a better voice inside of you. Change how you place your sound and you will discover a voice which sounds good both inside your head and on recording equipment.
The Voice Lady, Nancy Daniels, offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! the only video training on voice improvement. If you would like to see a dramatic ‘before & after’ clip, visit Nancy's Voice Training Website and check out Craig’s video.
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