There are many reasons someone may need a payday loan. Most often, people need an emergency amount of cash for an unexpected financial need like an auto repair or medical bill. Of course, there are many other possible uses of a guaranteed payday loan no matter what.
Well, there is no actual guaranteed payday loans. Payday lenders approve a high percentage of applicants, but it is not 100%. If you defaulted on a previous payday loan or have outstanding loans when you apply, likely, you will not be approved.
Your credit score is not that important to payday lenders. They really want to know if you have a steady source of income, usually a job but possibly disability or social security benefits. Having a steady source of income provides some assurance to the lender that you will pay back the loan.
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Robin Williams is an Executive at CashOne, which serves to connect consumers across the U.S. quickly with its authorized lender network for payday loans online. Robin has more than 20+ years’ experience in Administrative Management, with several years in the lending industry.
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