TB Wright Part II
In the first of these three articles, some ways of giving up judging were provided so that we can free that negative energy up from what doesn’t work, to what does work in our lives. Why do this? Because it's energy that we already have, and are already using, but not necessarily devoted toward that which has us be successful, and successful in any area of our lives you can imagine. What does work? What we say works. It's our voice, our choice. More ways for giving up judgments will be provided here, because it seems as if our judging process is endless. It is! But only if we let it be.
First of all, what is an invisible judgment, or belief? We found out that a visible one is one that we can see, and so have more of a potential to give up. It's just easier to deal with what we can see. Not always easy, but easier than attempting to deal with what's invisible. So what about those we can't see? What are they? They're the ones existing beyond the line talked about, that when crossed, our observations become from perceptions of what is, to perceptions of what we believe might be, or judgments. For instance, if we think someone is lying to us, and we accuse them of it, without really knowing if they are or not, what's operating here is an invisible judgment. It's one that instead of saying "Oh, I'm observing something here, and I'm not sure what it is" but rather, it's one that says " I know what's going on here" whether we actually do or not. In this case, it's an invisible judgment we picked up that has us fear being lied to, quite without knowing whether we are actually being lied to, or not. It's the invisible judgment that has our fear come up in the first place, a fear which, by the way, always keeps us from ascertaining the truth. Again, in this case, it's about being lied to, but you can replace that fear with just about any other one. The fear of being deceived, left, abandoned, hated, disliked, or disrespected, the list goes on, and on, and on. Hence, the huge "How to give our judgments up" lists! And they are ours, because whether we own them or not, they certainly own us. They own us through reactive behavior that makes up the predominance of life time and energy we spend in our lives. Just might be time to spend our very life essence on something else! How about on being successful!
So in our example we have this fear come up in reaction to feeling as if we have been lied to, without first finding out if we have been lied to or not. That's an invisible belief, one that might be worded, "people always lie to me and you know how dangerous that is." Or the belief can be worded in any number of ways, millions of them in fact. The salient point is that once that invisible belief begins operating, then any data coming in after that will always be interpreted in a way that supports the belief, quite regardless of whether it is true, or not. And more importantly, quite regardless of facts. Facts such as proof that someone was not lying to us, and yet, and yet, we still feel "as if" it might be so. Even after presented with irrefutable evidence to the contrary, the indication of an operating invisible belief is that it still gathers evidence to support itself. Okay, you weren't lying to me, but what about . . .it goes on and on forever, that is, unless we do something about it. One more point is that beliefs further bury themselves in our consciousness through feelings. And those feelings may have no words attached to them at all, they just come with a vague sense that "something" precipitated them, but we never quite find out exactly just what that something is. And we never will! Because there's nothing there precipitating that belief, except of course, the belief itself! That's when an invisible belief is so diaphanous, that we can't see it even when we're looking right at it.
What can we do about it? What we can do, is to live a life of "tell the truth now, tell the truth later" straight from the online seminar I present to participants. It's a long process, and only a few details can be given here in such a short venue, but nonetheless, the ones given will be as valuable to you as how much you use them. And that's the second point. You must use these techniques in order for them to work, and when you do, they work brilliantly! It's your life, after all, and it's all up to you. The thing is, the determination as to what's working as a negative belief in your life, or what doesn't work for your success, and what does, is also something that is only up to you. Only you, can determine for you, what works and doesn’t work. It's your success, after all, and no one else can ever determine what choices you say make you feel successful. In a nutshell, what's being said here is that certain things do work toward you being successful, and certain things don't, and here's how to minimize the energy we put into what doesn't, over to what does. And what happens then? Hold onto your hat!
How to more and more, over time, and with practice, give up invisible judgments:
1) First on all lists is the acknowledgement that you, I, we all, have invisible judgments in the first place. Actually say the words to yourself. "I know I have invisible judgments, and they operate me all the time." And now may be the time, to let their influence go!
2) After that acknowledgment, ask yourself "Am I willing?" Am I willing to give up what doesn't work for me?
3) If the answer is no, great! If the answer is yes, then the following is suggested: Pay attention. Pay attention to how upset you are regarding any observation you make. For instance, if you believe someone lied to you, without really knowing if they did or not, or even being convinced that they did, and you are upset about it, that's an indicator that an invisible belief is working here. Upset is always an indicator of an invisible belief, along with a whole lot of visible ones as well.
4) If the belief, or observation attached to an upset, keeps on repeating itself over and over again, with either thoughts, feelings, emotions, words or no words, then you can be certain that an invisible belief is operating you. Repetition is the key component of all upset generated by invisible beliefs.
5) One word of caution. The wording being used to outline your own particular beliefs can change, especially when an invisible belief is uncovered. That's the time to pay attention to emotions, feelings, repetition, and upset, because as indicators of being operated by an invisible belief, they are all very important. More than words, they will reveal how you really feel, and what's really operating you. In the third article on these kinds of invisible beliefs, more techniques will be provided for specific situations where invisible beliefs are operating you, and how to give their power up, and instead, operate your own life from your own incredible power! Give yourself the time to do this, and give yourself the break of knowing that all successful processes happen over time, and with practice.
Good luck, and great life!
TB Wright is the coursework creator of The One Penny Millionaire!™ a thirty week online seminar designed for your success. www.onepennymillionaire.com
A short video on useful affirmation work can be seen here:
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