Nobility pays in the long run
Initially, it was very difficult to make people understand about Ma-Mahajnan’s lessons on life and living—especially among her neighbors. Latter on, even the distinguished hardly could come to know a little about her philosophy of life. Although she was out and out a caring Mother, her deep realization had never been a matter of easy understanding to one and all. I could realize those a little earlier that the things appeared from time to time were quite likely.
Ma-Mahajnan’s literature and philosophy can never be understood just by reading, or even through discussion. Only a controlled life and moderate living amid food and pleasure can help making proper sense of what she had purported. Frankly, for quite some time in the past I was also at sea and failed to make out what she had said during vesper in her mass education. However, amid restlessness mother couldn’t but expound the aspects of deep realization, essence of truth and I had no way but to record them in magnetic tapes. It was pronounced from above: “Just put them in black and white and come back.”
However, the Mother looked quite efficient during her domestic activities and doing well to one and all that approached her with problems. She was really elegant during every effort of “Work is Worship”. This could pull crowd and evidently there were good number of her well-to-do children. Unfortunately, none could maintain a spirit of selflessness and gradually each and everyone disappeared just like camphor. A few of us only could make sense of her eloquence in her expressions and answering, amid interruptions, all the questions put to her. In course of time I came to know, I do repeat, a little about her deep realization.
Worldly-cum-Spiritual striving was all along her motto. During chores she emerged as an ideal housewife. She started teaching people every evening and gradually separated Temple from our Ashram. For more than a decade she was found enormously talented creating her invaluable works on literature and philosophy. She appeared before us as the greatest genius of all times. We consider her as one second to none. There are sufficient reasons to arrive at this conclusion. She may be judged by every standard to justify what I corroborate.
In the light of advancement of science and technology, the world of religion cuts a sorry figure. It’s amazing to note that religious persons depend mostly on believing something. They don’t go for reasoning. From the very beginning Mother inspired us to develop power of reasoning which can only lead us to realization. It appeared before me that religion is as good as stagnant water. Water has to flow like a river keeping in mind how to mingle into sea. But in reality every religion brings forth fundamentalists. Thereafter they become terrorists, the constant headache everywhere around the world today.
To conclude, if we cultivate “One world, One religion”, we can safely arrive at a commonness of all religion. Evidently, it will be a very tough. It may be better to say “One world; No religion”. That again involves so many problems, since every religion comprised of fundamental ideas and culture, climate and geographical position etc at the time of its manifestation. We can develop power of reasoning and get the essence of Spirituality to count on. This is the noble cause we stand for.
(No. of words –576)
Divinity helps one making the most of everything
It is easy to understand the things that we have raised in the web pages of ‘True Conscience’. But to delve deep into the aspects related to Ma-Mahajnan’s Divinity are evidently a bit difficult. Born in a poor family she was all along under tremendous pressure, hardly had time to go through the books of primary school. Neither education nor culture could help her mind to get elevated.
At the age of only thirteen she got married to a physician as his second wife to begin her family life. She had to bring up two children of her husband’s former wife. Oh! What a critical situation often she had to face. Afterwards she became the mother of three children. The eldest one died an immature death. A daughter and a son survive till today being intimate with so many devotees. Along with other members of the family the complicacy was the outcome of so many awkward situations. However, Mother’s divinity could easily balance all those creating nothing but problems.
Her straightforwardness and brainpower could easily solve any problem in her worldly life as well as among the devotees. Her creativity was beyond any measure. Though bound up by a thousand ties in the mundane world, ever she remained an unusual seer, a matchless path-finder. Much earlier for a span of only eight years she dictated everyday for four hours without a stop, the matter for more than one hundred original and precious volumes. She didn’t think fit to revise and blot even a single word. She observed a correction was needed only when one makes a slip. Where ornamentation amounts to a travesty of truth, can correction in such places claim to reveal the truth in exact terms? This was all along her views and we had to bow down our head.
From her young age being a Hindu wife and religiously motivated she didn’t care to know so much about the Vedas, nor was she serious enough about the Gita. But to our surprise we found her talking at length about Form and Formless. ‘There’s no Rebirth‘ and ‘Origin of Life’—everything she purported in a state of “Conscious Trance”. Such a state of mind has had ever been unattainable. The authenticity of Ma-Mahajnan stands unique. It had all been established years together during her life-time. There were very few who could realize her at heart.
We were simply spell-bound thinking about Dr. Radhakrishnan, one of the greatest philosophers of his time. He once said: “Going through Hindu Philosophy, with all seriousness, one has no way but to accept Rebirth.” Strangely, Mother denounced outright the concept of Rebirth. I don’t know how far it has ever been supported by the authorities in the Bible and the Koran. Of course, whatever religion we follow, deliverance is the ultimate gain. Little indulgence to emotion and passion will prove everything in a mess.
Unfortunately, during entire life her words and deeds were not truly interpreted. Although her divine existence solved so many problems in the neighbor, but as soon as she expressed more interest in explaining the weakness of religious aspects and strongly raised a protest against miracles, all the people gradually fled away and became quite indifferent about her. There were untoward incidents which a few of us couldn’t but face all the while before the miserable end was drawn and the Mother graciously left us forever. Amid utter disappointment ever I think how far people could make the most of her Holy Advent.
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Asokananda Prosad, Ma-Mahajnan's first disciple, is an engineer, a philosopher and a philanthropist. Being the missing son—the eldest and the first disciple of Great Ma-Mahajnan, he has had to shoulder so many burdens of Ashram and Temple. Of course, there are few brothers and sisters, very sincere and honest, intelligent and industrious. They help him in every way. He has long been translating Works of Ma-Mahajnan, written in Bengali, into English. The Mother didn’t just put those in black and white, but simply expressed, extempore and spontaneous, in a state of “Conscious Trance” and Asokananda got those tape-recorded.
Director of Pub. Div. : Adarsha Prokashani; Editor of Journals : Nandan Kanan & Sudhi Sahitya; General Secretary : Ma-Mahajnan Vishwa Kalyan Trust; Secretary : Society for the Formation of Character and Sequence; Independent Scholar : Philosophy Documentation Center, Ohio, USA; Member : Amnesty International India and Online Action Center AIUSA; Invited to Frankfurter Book Fair, Germany, to join the symposium on Indian Literature, held on and from September 26 to 28, 1986; An Inaugural Member as a Leading Philosopher of the World : 2006; International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England; Selected as one among the Asian/American Who’s Who; Invited to join The XXII World Congress of Philosophy 2008, held in Seoul, Korea, from 30 July to 5 August, 2008
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