“When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else.”
~ Joseph Campbell

Last Saturday I led a youth session at the Self realization Foundation, in Encinitas, CA. There were couple of topics that were discussed:

a. How does one go about overcoming fear while dealing with the challenges of life?
b. How do we know if we are in the right profession?

1. Fear - This is one of the basic emotions of being human. Although, there have been many quotes (Do the thing you fear the most and the death of fear is certain etc) and theories on how to address fear (think positive, have faith and visualize etc), I believe that fear is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact fear of failure or a setback can be a good motivating factor, and can avoid complacency. It can get the adrenalin pumped up to enable us to be more focused on a given task. It also enables us to take necessary precautions against harm and danger. There is an optimal state when fear can be positive. However, if it immobilizes us and drains us out of our enthusiasm and energy levels, then it can be a drawback. Knowing our optimal state is one of the keys to success.

Asking these two questions is a great start to monitor your optimal state:

a.What's the worst that can happen?
b.Will I be able to live with the consequences?

As an old adage goes "Education is the price you pay to find out what you are really meant to do". It is very important to realize and be aware of the fact that we spend close to 10-12 hours every day on our job. This is even more than what we get to spend with our loved ones. And, if you are not happy doing what you are doing, then it is time to change tracks.

2. Right Profession: To identify one's calling; below are the basic steps that can lead us in the right direction. I always believe the quality of questions you ask, will give you the quality of results. An honest assessment of the questions below will get you started in the right direction.

1. What are my best skills? What am I not good at? What do I have the potential to be the best at in the world? What can I never be the best at in the world?

2. What are my values? What are my best qualities? Who are my role models? Why?

3. If I had a billion dollars, and had 10 years to live, what would I do with my time and money?

4. What am I passionate about? What drives me out of bed every morning? What excites me? What inspires me?

5. What would I like to be remembered as? What do I want to contribute towards? What is a cause that inspires me? What would I do, if I wasn't getting paid for it?

For a more fulfilling career and calling - you need to choose a purpose that is outside of you, and that is bigger than you. The importance of doing that is when you run into challenges and obstacles, you will more likely be able to overcome those, as you now have a strong 'WHY' for doing it, which is devoid of selfish reasons

6. Who is my target audience? Who would I like to serve?

7. What's my economic engine? How could I use all the above information to add value to the market place?

Always remember - the amount of money you make is directly proportional to the amount of value you bring to the market place. The more value you provide, the more money you will make.

And don't forget to give a certain % of your income back to your favorite charity - as
'What goes around, comes around'

Live an extraordinary Life! Leave a Legacy!

Contact Kaushal Aras:
Email: info@kaushalaras.com
Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Passion2Purpose

~ Kaushal

Author's Bio: 

Kaushal Aras is an acclaimed international presenter and writer. In March 2010, Kaushal Aras released his new book The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love. For this book, Aras draws upon ancient stories of love and gives them even more relevance for the modern day contemporary perspective. The core of the book explores seven different ways in which we relate to others with "extraordinary love."

When The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love was released, it was done so in an extraordinary manner that capitalized on the power of Internet book technology. The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love was released as a free ereader book. The text of the book itself author encouraged readers to give it away to others. As a result, the Seven Symphonies soon became a global phenomenon as the message about this book spread virally.

The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love is also available as a free ebook download. Unlike many free ebook downloads, The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love is truly free with no strings attached. Therefore, no registration or email sign-up is necessary.

Contact Kaushal Aras:
Email: info@kaushalaras.com
Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Passion2Purpose