You just lost your job and I know you are not wanting to hear trite sayings but the truth is: While it can be considered a blessing or a curse the thing about life is that " the game is always changing." If it didn't how would we get better.

The first thing you must do to find the perfect career or job is to right now open your mind to all possibilities, do not be closed minded. If you are closed minded and think it is a lousy time to look for a job and that their is nothing out there then read no further. You will only waste your time. For the fact is life gives us what we think about most. If you think about what you do not have you will only get more of it. Think different than most: think about what you want.

You probably have had an amazing and successful work background. Someone smart enough will recognize that and you will get the position you want.

My Executive recruiting and coaching advice is this. Get the "Intent" of getting the perfect position. Then with that intent firmly planted get a clear picture of how good you will feel in it. Picture it and feel it all day long.

Keep thinking on that good feeling. Never think of what you do not want, why it won't happen, etc. Then get out , get away from your computer, and join clubs, network every day and meet with people. Then be aware of what they say and the right leads will come. Let everyone you know that you are looking and tell them what the right company and position will look like. Most people find the right job through networking not Monster. Next swallow some ego and see this as a step forward not backwards. And very important stay only with positive like minded people and avoid people who will tell you things are tough. They will fill you only with negative fears and emotions.

You have been successful and are therefore probably hard charging and see that as a plus...but it is not...slow your mind down and stay out of your ego. When you are in your ego things can be hard. When you are in your the zone as many say things flow easy. Your ego will only make you chase things that are not worthwhile. Follow your instincts not your logic.

Life is a paradox however so despite the need to get a clear picture of the perfect career or job you also must be very open and conscious to what comes your way. The right opportunity does not always match what we think it will look like.

In summary think different than you have been and than most others. Think positive and you will get what you want. Think like everyone else and you will experience just what they experience.

Author's Bio: 

Steve Monahan is founder and CEO of Total Wellness Living network at
Steve is also Director of IDEAS-Institute for training and teaching Consciously Enlightened Entrepreneurship
In addition he the former CEO of Monahan & Associates an Executive Search and Outplacement Firm.
Total Wellness Living is a weekly online magazine on Health and Total Wellness.

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