One of the most popular reasons people seek out Feng Shui is to improve their relationshp or find a new love. Here are some simple things you can do to boost your Love Life. These suggestions apply to any living space; they can even be applied to a workplace.
Feng Shui for the Closet
Is there room in your closet for another person's clothing? Women often pack their closet so full that there is no room for a man to show up. Married women do this too: how often do you hear that she takes over the entire closet and he puts his clothes in the hall closet or guest room closet down the hall? That sends a loud and clear message that "I'd rather have my clothes near me than have you near me." Make room in your closet for your man, whether or not you currently have one, and he just may show up. The same is true for dresser drawers, bathroom drawers, counters and medicine cabinets.
Feng Shui for the Bed
Make sure there is room on both sides of your bed for access. If your bed is pushed up against a wall so that someone would have to climb across to one side, it doesn't indicate that you are open for someone to share your space with you. If you have a pet do they take up space either on the bed or on the path to the bed? I often see people who have a large bed for their dog that blocks the path to the other side of the bed. Consider finding another location for your dog's bed so when the right person shows up it won't disrupt the sleeping arrangments.
Feng Shui for the Bedroom
Keep the bedroom set up for two purposes, and two purposes only: sleep and romance. Remove desks, computers, book shelves, exercise equipment, children's items, stuffed animals and family photos. If the item does not aid sleep or romance, it does not belong in the bedroom. If you wouldn't want your family watching you in the bedroom, then their photos being there aren't helpful. If possible, having matching bed-side tables on each side of the bed with matching lamps and other accessories. Place a lovely photo of the two of you, or a couple, or a romantic place, on the wall opposite the foot of your bed. This will ensure that you both have the same "view" of your relationship.
Feng Shui Pairs
Single people or couples that are out of balance, often have single items around. Try replacing these items with matching pairs such as two matching candles, or matching vases. You can take this to whatever extreme you'd like: you can place shampoo bottles in the shower in pairs, set two coffee cups or wine glasses, out on the counter. Set two place settings at your table or even put two toothbrushes in your toothbrush stand orh hang bathroom towels for two. Also beware of groups of 3 - could set you up for there to be a third party that is too promenantly involved in your relationship, such as an ex, a parent, or even a job that interferes excessively in the flow of the relationship.
Feng Shui Art
Look at the images contained in your artwork. Often times single people have art that has images of single people in them. Add pictures of couples or a pair of pictures that are matching, one with a female figure in one piece and a male figure in the other. Hang them together, prefably so the figures are facing each other. Remember that when hanging two or more pictures together, to hang them side by side at the same height. It is a popular decorating technique to hang them off-set from each other but in Feng Shui this creates an imbalance.
Also take a look at your space and ask yourself what would be different if you were sharing that space with your perfect mate: are there things you wouldn't keep, or would move to another area? Don't wait, go ahead and make those changes now; this may create the perfect space for that mate to show up.
How does a woman with a background in Statistics and Technology become a Feng Shui Expert? Helen Arabanos became fascinated when she realized how practical Feng Shui really is. Today she runs a Southern California based Feng Shui Consulting Business. For nearly a decade, Helen has helped people from all walks of life including celebrities, students, married couples and single women wanting a relationship.
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